A brave dog caught a criminal who escaped from prison (8 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 16
19 September 2023

The dedicated and brave officers of the K-9 unit often become real heroes. Furry policemen tirelessly patrol the streets and make every effort to ensure safety population. So the four-year-old Belgian Shepherd proved that the dog is man's best friend, and thanks to his keen instincts and unshakable determination contributed to solving a high-profile crime.

Yoda proved why dogs are man's best friends, successfully completing a multi-week search for an escaped criminal

Yoda is part of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection's BORTAC K9 unit.

Danelo Cavalcante, in question, escaped from prison in Pennsylvania almost two weeks ago. Local law enforcement agencies There was no way to get on the trail of the fugitive.

Danelo Cavalcante escaped from a Pennsylvania prison in late August.

This week, a criminal managed to break into one of the houses and obtain a firearm, after which he disappeared again.

500 police with dogs and helicopters were deployed to search for Cavalcante.

According to Lieutenant Colonel Bivens, on September 13 at approximately night, police from the aircraft detected a heat signature.

The search dog caught up with the criminal

Due to unfavorable weather conditions we had to return to place later. During the subsequent operation, Yoda successfully tracked down 34-year-old fugitive.

Bivens emphasized the dog's crucial role in the apprehension Cavalcante, noting that the K9 officer prevented the criminal from using with a stolen gun, which was at arm's length.

Robert Clark, Deputy US Marshal for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, told CNN: "He was absolutely indispensable in tracking and searching, just like the other K9s that were here."

Cavalcante convicted of killing his girlfriend in 2021

Cavalcante was convicted in August of killing his ex. Deborah Brandao's girls. In addition, he is suspected of one more murder committed in 2017 in Brazil.

About five minutes passed from the start of the search until the capture. The furry Border Patrol officer was trained in the "bite and hold". This means that he maintains control over the criminal until until an order is received to release him. As a result Yoda bit Cavalcante on the head and then targeted the lower limbs, to keep the fugitive.

The convict returned to prison, where he will serve a life sentence.

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