30 creepy photos that will tickle your nerves (31 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 16
11 September 2023

Even photographs can cause anxiety. For example, some pictures are shrouded in such an eerie atmosphere of the unknown that cause disorientation, uncertainty and discomfort. These photos do not have the most pleasant atmosphere, so it is believed that they may cause slight anxiety and discomfort when viewing. How about you?

1. Would you take a ride?

2. Very unusual clouds

3. Ski into the dark unknown

4. Lonely chair among the columns

5. "Looking Good": Psychedelic Restroom

6. Road to nowhere

7. An island of entertainment in the middle of decay

8. Creepy phone booth

9. Where does this staircase lead?

10. The street looks like something from a horror movie

11. He's watching you

12. Abandoned island in Japan

13. Slightly creepy water park

14. It’s tempting to come down

15. The tunnel that doesn't exist

16. Ideal location for horror filming

17. Lonely Coaster

18. SpongeBob has already come for you

19. Very strange kitchen layout

20. "Bloated" floor

21. And again horror

22. Abandoned Amusement Park

23. There is always a way out

24. Abandoned hospital in New Orleans, USA

25. Hello!

26. A slide with something wrong

27. Gamer's room

28. Anechoic chamber

29. Just a creepy bowling alley

30. There was something unclean here..

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