Hungry Ann is an Englishwoman who lived for 5 years without food (5 photos)

1 September 2023

The human body is a complex thing. But in general predictable. And without food can live an average of 25 days. But this lady I was so carried away by fasting that I refused food for five long years.

Up to the age of 40, a resident of the village of Tatbury, in Staffordshire, nothing special stood out. True, food restrictions in Ann Moore's family had objective reasons, not religious ones, or because of the diet: the family was poor, and after the departure of her husband, the woman with children I had to tighten my belts.

Then Moore told a friend that she had stopped eating food. AND no longer feels such a need, while feeling great. The story spread around the neighborhood, got into the newspapers.

By the spring of 1807 she had given up solid food, and by the summer no longer need fluids. Some believed that on Moore the grace of God descended. Others were sure that the reason for the food disorders in the problem with the gastrointestinal tract. The third insisted that a woman feeds on ether - a hypothetical all-pervading medium.

Anne was declared almost a saint. But for verification, we decided conduct a test. The villagers put her in the back room of a grocery store and They were on duty for more than two weeks, changing every four hours. Not on duty people connected with each other, respected, including doctors. So cheating was ruled out.

At the same time, the woman felt good, slept, with I enjoyed talking with the attendants. Two reputable doctors - Robert Taylor and John Allen wrote an article about Moore for a medical journal. The fasting woman began to receive substantial donations.

life-giving kiss

In the same year, 1813, a second check was initiated. To which Ann agreed with great reluctance. Cottage where a new one was planned watch, was checked by the millimeter for hiding places where you can hide food. Completely moved the bed, examined Anne's clothes. AND started the experiment.

Moore's condition began to deteriorate almost from the very first days. She first fell ill, blaming the damp mattress for the cold. After became hoarse and had a fever. The subject's weight dropped catastrophically. Daughter asked to stop the experiment, stating that the mother really scammer.

But how did women manage to lead a respected commission by the nose? The first group of observers initially favored Ann. And did not give significance to the fact that daughter Moore, caring for her mother, regularly wipes her face with a damp towel. Did not see anything criminal guards and in regular kisses, because this is just a manifestation of daughter love.

In reality, the towel was soaked in broth or milk, which the girl gently squeezed into her mother's mouth. And during kissing also conveyed food. Such food, albeit meager, was enough to maintain the myth of holiness. The scammer lived after exposure not for long and died in the same 1813 at the age of 53. Too much undermined her health experiments with holiness.

However, Ann was not the only one of her kind. Subject fasting was quite popular, the woman had both predecessors and followers. Most exposed during inspection, but some especially stubborn people died during the experiment due to stubbornness and belief in one's own uniqueness.

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