Bartenders are no longer needed: a homemade device for mixing cocktails (3 photos + video)

25 August 2023

Anyone who believes that the job of a bartender is solely mixing a "screwdriver" and pouring beer from a barrel, he has not been in decent bars. Yes, in many establishments behind the bar are teenagers without work experience and professional skills. And in most clubs, drinks are poured by cunning people and "masters of economy", in cocktails of which 99.9% of the content is ice. And to taste for real cool cocktails from professionals ... you have to shell out a lot of money, so the evening can end with a couple of glasses. But the craftsmen Barsys came up with a device that allows you to make thousands of cocktails at home.

No extra movements are required from a person, so all sorts of shakers and We don't need mixers. You just need to fill the compartments of the device ingredients, select the desired cocktail in the application and ... that's it! The party is officially open. "Home bartender" himself will add everything in the desired sequence and volume, after which it will issue ready cocktail. Of course, a list of cocktails for every taste is attached. to purchase. There is a "home bartender" 475 dollars.

Well, what do you say, take it?

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