Five-story building in Russia, where only one person lives, was surrounded by a net

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
24 August 2023

In order not to embarrass the residents of the new residential complex, the old five-story building was covered with a net. Now only the grid is visible from the windows of the only occupant of the house.

Sergei is perhaps one of the most principled people on the planet. He lives in a five-story building, which stands alone in the middle of a new residential complex in Moscow. For several months now, the man has been trying to get a fair barter from the PIK developer: he will leave his three-ruble house with two balconies if the company provides him with housing no worse. However, none of the 15 proposed options suited Sergey.

The five-story building, which cannot be demolished in any way, was surrounded by a gray mesh so that it does not stand out against the background of new buildings. According to the man, they did this because of complaints from neighbors who did not particularly like looking at the abandoned house.

However, another reason may be that the district was recently visited by the governor and officials, and the nets appeared just before their visit.

Now from the windows of Sergei even more sad and dull view. But the man intends to fight to the last - they tried to evict him six times through the court, but nothing came of it.

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24 August 2023
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