Characters from comic book adaptations before and after their transformation into heroes or villains (13 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 16
17 August 2023

The fate of many heroes of film comics is the transformation from a person into superhero or supervillain that usually happens in spite of their will. In some cases, such a transformation slightly complicates life, apart from the "great responsibility for the galaxy." For example, some superman or spiderman who just get super powers, outwardly do not change in any way, which allows them to lead an almost normal life. But The heroes of this collection do not have such opportunities. Let's look at cardinal metamorphoses of comic book characters.

Johnny Blaze turned into Ghost Rider

From the 2007 film of the same name and its 2012 sequel. The role was played by Nicolas Cage.

Dr. Curt Connors turned into the Lizard

From The Amazing Spider-Man (2012). The role was played by Rhys Evans.

Bruce Banner turned into the Hulk

In the 2003 film of the same name. The role was played by Eric Bana.

And then one more time

From the movie The Incredible Hulk (2008). Played the main role tired everyone on the set) Edward Norton. In the main franchise failed due to its complex nature.

Once again

The most entrenched in the human memory of the Hulk was played by Mark Ruffalo, who replaced Norton. First appeared in The Avengers (2012).

Max Dillon turned into Electro

From The Amazing Spider-Man: High Voltage (2014). The role was played by Jamie Foxx.

Emil Blonsky turned into an Abomination

From the movie The Incredible Hulk (2008). The role was played by Tim Roth.

John Osterman turned into Doctor Manhattan

From the movie Watchmen (2009). The role was played by Billy Crudup.

Eddie Brock turned into Venom

From the movie Spider-Man 3: Reflected Enemy (2007). The role was played by Topher Grace.

And then again 11 years later

From the 2018 film of the same name. The role was played by Tom Hardy.

Ben Grimm turned into a Creature

And the dilogy "Fantastic Four" and "Fantastic Four: Invasion of the Silver Surfer" (2005, 2007). Played by Michael Chiklis.

Johann Schmidt turned into the Red Skull

From the movie "The First Avenger" (2011). The role was played by Hugo Weaving.

Stanley Ipkis turned into the Mask

From the 1994 film of the same name. A landmark role in Jim Carrey's career.

Yes, "The Mask" is also a film adaptation of the comic book. True, the original does not apply to either Marvel or DC.

17 August 2023
Де самий невпізнанний SuperMan ?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?! scream
17 August 2023
А що, Супермен перетворювався? Ви, мабудь, якогось неправильного Супермена бачили. XD
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