Unusual seabird Gannets

16 August 2023
Gannets are large birds that soar freely over the ocean and catch fish and squid by diving into the water from a height of 10–100 m to a depth of up to 25 m. Body length of adults of the Sula genus: 71–91 cm, wingspan: up to 1.5 m , weight: 0.7-1.5 kg. When diving, they can develop speeds near the surface of the water up to 140 km / h. The blow is softened by air sacs located under the scalp. The predominant colors of the feathers are white and black (dark brown). Along the edges of the sharp beak are small teeth. Gannets breathe with their beaks, since the external nasal openings are permanently closed and do not interfere with diving. The eyes are located in front, next to the beak, vision is binocular.

Gannets nest in colonies mainly on islands and sea coasts of the tropics and subtropics of the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. Clutches of one to four pale blue or gray eggs occur on rocks, sandy shores or trees. Both parents sit alternately on the eggs for 28-45 days. If several chicks hatch, then only one, the strongest, is usually fed. Blue-footed boobies are an exception and feed several chicks. After three to six months, young gannets start hunting on their own.
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