What does a trip through a mountain tunnel look like, which people cut by hand

8 August 2023

The Chinese cut a tunnel through the rock with hand tools and the road became a tourist attraction.

The most incredible road was built in the 1970s. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it was completely created by ordinary people who literally made their way into the rocks.

In front of you is the Guoliang Tunnel, which has long become a popular attraction in China. It was made famous not only by the picturesque location (the tunnel was laid right in the rock), but also by the fact that the locals cut this road. Until the 1970s, the path to the Guoliang village of the same name lay along dangerous paths in the mountains, and the locals decided to change this. For five years they cut a road right into the rock to connect their village to the outside world.

The 1.2 km long tunnel turned out to be quite narrow: only one car can pass through it. In addition, tourists constantly walk along it, so you need to drive here very carefully. The walls of the tunnel are uneven and seem to require some kind of completion. But this is their peculiarity: they serve as a reminder of the hard work of local residents. Also, holes were made in the tunnel, windows through which light penetrates. A trip through this miracle of engineering and hard work is shown in the video.

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