russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for July 28-30

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
31 July 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Russian woman Olga Nikolaevna Dzyubenko, who lost two sons in the war, asks to return home her third, private Dzyubenko.

- Head of Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) Budanov:

Ukrainian forces will soon liberate Crimea.

- The missiles of the North Korean UAV Morning Star-9 (a copy of the American MQ-9 Reaper UCAV) are suspiciously similar to the American AGM-114 Hellfire and the Iranian Ghaem-114 (also copied from the American AGM-114).

- Nigerian general, Abdurahaman Chiani, declared himself leader after the coup

- Amnestied Wagner kidnapped and beaten a 9-year-old girl

▪️Aleksey, previously convicted of murder, came to his relatives in the Samara region. When they were not at home, Alexei was visited by a third-grader who was friends with his sister's son.

▪️A man lured her into the house with ice cream, and then suddenly began to beat the child: he held her by the hair and hit her head on the floor. Then he dragged her to the bathhouse, doused her with water and continued beating her. The girl survived, Alexei again went to prison.

- There was a sabotage in the Samara refinery. Someone planted an explosive device

What kind of day is this?

- The US has approved a $345 million military aid package for Taiwan.

It involves combat training, the supply of MANPADS, reconnaissance and surveillance equipment, small arms and ammunition for them, missiles from US warehouses.


Ukrainian army uses North Korean missiles against Russia.

They were produced in 1980-1990.

The Ukrainian military said that the missiles were "captured" from the ship "friendly" country before delivery to Ukraine.

- The United States will help Australia to establish the production of guided missiles for MLRS by 2025

- Russian troops captured the Ukrainian CV90 infantry fighting vehicle supplied by Sweden.

- Kamikaze drones attacked Moscow early in the morning.

One of the drones crashed into the Moscow City skyscraper.

No casualties reported.

- The New York Times:

Last year, Elon Musk refused Ukraine's request to provide Starlink for a naval drone attack on a Russian ship in the Black Sea.

Musk also stated that his technology cannot be used for long-range strikes using drones.

But in June, US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin approved a deal to buy 400-500 new Starlink terminals and services.

The Pentagon is given control over the installation of terminals so that new devices can perform "key capabilities and specific missions."

“Apparently, Ukraine will have its own terminals for performing confidential operations. They won't be afraid to stop the work," — writes the newspaper.

- Bloomberg:

After Putin's invasion of Ukraine, Armenia unexpectedly became the world's fourth largest exporter of battle-ready semiconductors to Russia.

In Armenia, there is no such technology for the production of semiconductors.

- Two more Ukrainian Leopard 2A4 tanks arrived at the Bumar-Łabędy plant in Poland for repairs.

Currently, at least 4 Leopard 2A4s are under repair and maintenance in Poland.

Rheinmetall plans to open a Leopard service center directly in Ukraine in a few weeks.

- New Ukrainian Beaver kamikaze UAVs with a flight range of 1000 km.

These UAVs are actively used for delivering strikes on Moscow.

The UAV is reported to cost around $108,000, about double the price of the Shahed-136, but it has EW protection, longer range, and a more powerful warhead.

- 3 Russian UAVs "Orion" ("Pacer") at the Taganrog airbase in the Rostov region

- Ukrainian soldier Robert Brovdi (Magyar):

The Russians have learned to jam Starlink at zero.

Starlink allows our military to coordinate and control the operational situation, so it is very important to find countermeasures against this interference.

- Other reports claim it is a Russian UAV "Orion" which crashed in Taganrog and did not fly to the front.

- The UK Ministry of Defense has disposed of more than 40 Challenger 2 tanks in order to reduce defense spending and due to the fact that military conflicts in Europe in 2010-2014 were considered "a thing of the past".

Another 75 tanks were sent for long-term storage.

- For more than a year, a local resident hid an abandoned Russian T-80UE-1 tank in his yard in the Sumy region

- The Crimean bridge is now additionally protected by anti-sabotage booms to avoid strikes on the bridge by surface and underwater drones.

- Wagnerites moved towards Poland for provocations

▪️According to Prime Minister of Poland Morawiecki, more than 100 mercenaries of the Wagner group moved towards the Isthmus of Suwalki near Grodno in Belarus

- "We will exchange the tourist business in the Crimea for an apartment in Krasnodar

Why so?

- The Investigative Committee in the Arkhangelsk region summoned two young children for interrogation in the case of "discrediting" regarding their mother — sota

The Investigative Committee in the Arkhangelsk region called a 9-year-old girl and a 10-year-old boy for questioning as witnesses in a criminal case against their mother, who is accused of "discrediting" army (Part 1 of Article 280.3 of the Criminal Code). It is reported by Sota with reference to the words of the mother.

Lidiya Prudovskaya, a resident of the closed city of Mirny, told the publication that on July 27 the investigator handed her three subpoenas: to her as a suspect and to her children as witnesses. Also, Prudovskaya was issued a search warrant in her apartment, but investigative actions have not yet been carried out.

On the initiation of a criminal case under the article on «discredit» in relation to Prudovskaya it became known on July 24. According to Sota, in September 2022, she was fined 35,000 rubles under an administrative article on “discrediting” for anti-war posts on Vkontakte. What was the reason for initiating a criminal case is not reported.

In 2020, against Lidia Prudovskaya filedand a criminal case on fraud in the receipt of social benefits (article 159 of the Criminal Code). The reason was that for several months she simultaneously received unemployment benefits and for foster parenthood. When Prudovskaya was informed that it was illegal, she returned the money, but the case against her was nevertheless initiated.

After this story was talked about on federal channels, State Duma deputy Sergei Shargunov turned to the Prosecutor General's Office with a request to look into the situation. In the spring of 2021, the court found Prudovskaya guilty and fined her 10 thousand rubles, but then, during the appeal, the state prosecutor dropped the charges and the prosecution was discontinued.

Source: publication «Holod»

- Selection from The Insider

- Sergey Auslender from Israel

- Reuters: “At the end of summer, Rheinmetall will create a Leopard tank repair center in Ukraine, — said the director of the company's industrial group. “Currently, we are already teaching this work to Ukrainians in Germany,” — said Papperger, adding that Rheinmetall wants to get the repair center up and running after the summer.

- The number of victims of the Russian missile attack on the Dnieper increased to 9 people. Among them are two minors — 14 and 17 years old, said the head of the regional administration Sergei Lysak.

- Psychiatrists here? How to treat a patient with such thoughts?

Well, the whole world will fly around for sure. Only in the country where it happened for some reason it was not shown

- Interview of a flutist from the Ukrainian military band, who got out from under Mariupol. The rest of the musicians are captured, one is killed.

- Cutting out the Soviet coat of arms

- Briefly about IQ in Odnoklassnikikah»

- British tabloid Sunday Express: Britain is training 2,000 Ukrainian special forces to seize Crimea

Not for capture, but for de-occupation

- Delivery - fire!

- Pacifists, they are

It's possible. But for this, it is also necessary to demand the withdrawal of troops from a foreign country

- The Pope called the Russian authorities "his brothers" and urged them to renew the grain agreement

- Subpoenas reappeared in Kostroma. So far, these are not new agendas, but only "to clarify the data." The military registration and enlistment offices of the Russian Federation already have all the data, they only need to lure you to war. You can't go anywhere on the agenda.

- I will die

- Street artist Philippenzo (Philip Kozlov) arrested for 15 days in Moscow

Philipp Kozlov (Philippenzo) — the author of the high-profile street art «Razrossilovanie», as well as many others. Recently he was in Georgia, but today he returned to Russia. Philip was arrested right at the airport and a protocol was drawn up on "disobedience to the police."

The artist was detained at the airport and a report of "disobedience to the police" was drawn up against him, the head of "Agora" told the BBC Russian Service. Recently, Kozlov lived in Georgia, but today he flew to Russia.

In Russia, several protocols were drawn up against Philippenzo under the article on "discrediting the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

The photo shows some of the last works of the artist.

Photo: SOTA, Philippenzo. Photo 10: the artist himself.

- It's not the 37th year in Russia - officially

- What does it smell like? I don't understand.

- What a question - such an answer)

- Moscow arrested two HSE students in the case of participation in the activities of the "extremist organization" for alleged activities in Navalny's headquarters. They face up to 6 years.

22-year-old Ivan Trofimov and 21-year-old Alina Olekhnovich sent to pre-trial detention center until 24 September. The propagandist Vladimir Solovyov reported about the detention of the students. According to him, Trofimov and Olekhnovich were activists of Navalny's "underground headquarters"; and "helped the FBK."

They face up to 6 years in prison under the article on participation in the activities of an extremist organization.

- In Buryatia, the store was evacuated because of the "suspicious" toys in Ukrainian dress.

In the Buryat village of Selenginsk, the store "Karina" evacuated due to "suspicious" toys, write "Beware of the news." A plush sheep in the Ukrainian national dress was previously found on the street and brought to the outlet by a woman, who posted a photo of the find in the village group.

Soon the store was evacuated, and the FSB and OMON officers arrived at the place. There are no dangerous substances in the sheepdiscovered.

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