25 Times Life Threw Up Trouble (26 Photos)

31 July 2023

Everyone has bad days. Life is like a zebra both bad and good events are sure to alternate. Not worth it to think that the world is up against you. Better take a look at the pictures of those who is unlucky today.

1. "My 15-year-old son decided to move his sister's jeep, but forgot that he has no brakes. This is what happened to my fence"

2. "It would be easier to check what I'm not allergic to..."

3. The plane crashed into a newly built house

4. Electric shaver suddenly broke

5. "I can do without RAM"

6. "I dropped my console"

7. "Ordered a planer, but got pillows on the sofa"

8. "Turned off the headset"

9. "My avocado is 90% pit"

10. Even spiders seem to be stocking up on toilet paper.

11. "Yesterday, a pickup truck burned down"

12. The yacht ran aground

13. Stung by a wasp

14. "Favorite cap. Amazing"

15. A movie theater in India accidentally showed "Oppenheimer" with the subtitles "Barbie"

"I came to work early and found that our roof was leaking badly"

17. "Fresh" purchase

18. Hastened

19. "Today I was awakened by the bite of this baby"

20. Played bowling

21. "My yogurt with berries turned out to be vanilla"

22. There were wasps in the bag machine.

23. "Bought a $80 bottle of wine today"

24. "I'm 14 years old, on my last day on a cruise ship, I slipped in the water park."

25. "The rat gnawed through the mesh on the door and crawled into my house. Three I searched for the accursed one for hours, set traps, but did not find it. Maybe, she has already fled. All that was left of her was excrement and urine, and now I have to disinfect the whole house and emissions

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