35 early inventions we still use today (36 photos)

Category: Nostalgia, PEGI 0+
31 July 2023

Have you ever wondered what kind of device existed for mowing the lawn a hundred years ago? What did the first toaster look like? You know Do you like your great-grandparents used to make fresh coffee in the morning? Through decades of innovation, the devices used by the past generations have undergone many changes. But if you want plunge into the past, we have prepared for you the perfect selection.

1 Electric Toaster 1920

There are several inventions that are undoubtedly changed the world. The first is the printing press, which gave the opportunity quickly and easily disseminate knowledge and literacy. incandescent lamp - another important invention that freed society from almost completely dependent on daylight. It is impossible not to praise the phone for its incredible impact on the world. And the appearance of the aircraft opened up new horizons. The opportunity to defy gravity and visit almost anywhere in the world - it surprises even today.

2. The first electric washing machine, Eatonville, Washington, circa 1910

3. The first lawn mower, 1916

4. IBM 305 RAMAC, the first computer with a hard drive

5. Pedal roller skates, 1910

6. Michaux-Perreaux Steam-Vélocipède, 1869 year. One of three motorcycles contending for the title of first motorcycle

7. Electric kettle, designed by Peter Behrens, Berlin, 1909

8. One of the first Osborne 1 laptops, 1981

9. The first computer mouse, invented by Douglas Engelbart, 1964

10. Headphones weighing 4.5 kg

11. The first mass-produced TV, 1946

DNA analysis and sequencing - relatively recent a discovery that saved countless lives. This is an achievement contributed to significant advances in research and treatment genetic diseases.

12. The first hair dryers were heavy and complicated, 1920

13. Mechanical calculator (arithmometer), 1911

14. James King invented and patented the first spinning drum washing machine.

15 Elias Howe's first sewing machine, 1860

16. The first refrigerator to become widespread was General Electric's 1927 Monitor-Top.

17. The first TV remote, invented in 1950 by Zenith

18. On June 6, 1882, Henry Seeley of New York patented the electric iron.

19. Classic Emerson transistor radio, 1958

20. The original British vacuum cleaner, 1905

21. In 1947, Raytheon released the Radarange, the first commercial microwave oven.

22. Actor portraying Alexander Graham Bell, an inventor telephone, speaks in an early model of the device for a 1926 promotional film American Telephone and Telegraph Company of the Year

23. Emil Berliner with his first model gramophone

24. The first VCR was invented by Charles Ginsberg

25. Electric blender, 1922 Patent owned by Stephen J. Poplawski

26. Prototype game console Odyssey

27. Scientists take an x-ray with an early Crookes tube apparatus, late 1800s.

28. First ATM

29. Electric waffle iron, 1940

30. Daniel Hess' "carpet sweeper" patent model at the Museum of Purity, Pocatello, Idaho

31. Electric coffee maker on a tray with sugar bowl and creamer, 1940-1946

32. Electric mixer, 1950

This mixer was purchased by Gerald and Shirley Berg from Whitehall, Illinois. To raise money to buy it, Bergi slaughtered fifty chickens. The model has 5 modes of operation: mixing, whipping, mashing, surviving juice and even has a grinder attachment meat.

33. Simplex Electric Heating toaster, 1909

34. Electric fan, 1882

35. Electric toaster, 1939

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