Husband and wife found out that their acquaintance happened much earlier than they expected (7 photos)

27 July 2023

The guy and the girl met while studying at the university, fell in love and after a while decided to get married. What was their surprise when young people found out that they were already in love in childhood into each other.

When student Heidi Parker met Ed Savitt and started dating him, she had no idea that the roots of their romance lie much deeper than it seems.

In 1997, the Heidi family rested in Turkey, and there in at the kids club, a six-year-old girl became very close friends with a boy, whose name was Ed. Adults were very amused by children's love, and The "sweet couple" was photographed a lot. Then the vacation ended, they parted and after a while forgot each other.

Shortly before the wedding, Heidi's mother decided to flip through an album with her children's photographs. Imagine Heidi's astonishment when her mother came across a few old pictures in which the girl flaunted with Edom. With the same Ed, with whom she was going to go down the aisle and live together for the rest of your life.

Naturally, the bride and groom (however, now the husband and wife) rejoiced at such an amazing coincidence. True, they are not remember that same childhood vacation in too much detail, but judging by photographs, they were very good together.

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