Modern animals compared to their prehistoric relatives (14 photos)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
27 July 2023

Today we look at a lion and think: "Yes, it really is king of beasts." But compared to his prehistoric ancestor, he will look like a kitten! And this can be said about many animals. Even the ancient cousin of the cute koala would have put us on the run. So let's let's look at and compare modern animals with their prehistoric relatives.

Palm civet and the extinct Hoplophoneus

Maned dove and the extinct dodo bird (or Mauritian dodo)

Koala and extinct marsupial lion

The modern and extinct representatives of the suborder of the two-crested marsupials Vombatiformes.

Trumpeter swan and extinct dromornis

Very different representatives of the order Anseriformes.

The turkey and the extinct New Caledonian bigfoot

Modern pangolin and giant Asian pangolin

Great Gray Owl and an extinct species of the owl family Ornimegalonyx

The growth of the ancient owl reached 120 cm.

Grevy's Zebra, the largest living zebra, and the extinct Macrauchenia

Cape hyrax and the extinct notoungulate

Australian Booted Eagle and the extinct Haast's Eagle

The African Lion and the Extinct Simbakubwa, the "Big Lion from Africa"

Despite the translation of its name, Simbakubwa is not a relative of the modern lion, but the latter, one might say, has become his receiver. They are united by life in the savannas, a predatory lifestyle and dominance over everyone around. But the modern lion is not the size came out in comparison with the simbakubwa, whose weight could reach one and a half tons.

Common Gymnura and Extinct Deinogalerix

Central American tapir and the extinct Eobasileus

Shire horse and extinct Eohippus, the most ancient ancestor of horses

Extinct species are not always larger than those that exist today. There is and here such examples. For contrast, the author of the project deliberately chose exactly Shire - horses whose height can reach 220 cm.

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