Jennifer Lopez sent three letters to photographers who tried to photograph her on the street

22 July 2023

Being a celebrity isn't easy. Paparazzi can catch a star anywhere without thinking about ethics at all. Jay Lo fell for the photographers who were waiting for her at the gym. Why she broke is not clear. Indeed, for a 53-year-old woman, Jennifer looks simply brilliant!

Photographers wanted to shoot a celebrity without makeup and filters, then to sell the photos and show how J. Lo looks in real life. But they didn't succeed. Jennifer Lopez looks as stunning in real life as she does on the red carpet. In addition, Jay does not let himself be offended.

When the photographers brazenly ran after her to the car, Jennifer sent them to hell. The paparazzi posted the video online to try to denigrate the actress, but the subscribers, on the contrary, supported her and accused the photographers of impudence and violating personal boundaries.

"We should have given a kick too!"

"I think she has the right to spend the day WITHOUT YOU"

"And what did you achieve by this?"

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