40 amazing photos from around the world (41 photos)

20 July 2023

It would seem that on the Internet, most of the pictures with cats and nostalgic memes, but it's worth "digging deeper", as from eyes widen in surprise! The r/weird community is dedicated to just such finds. The creators publish only real pictures, no photoshop or the work of a neural network.

1. Snowy mushroom

2. When at 3 a.m. I was on the other side of the city

3. Just rust, scroll on

"Our community is characterized by a passion for the extraordinary and peculiar. Participants are interested in the strange, inexplicable and outlandish," the subreddit moderator said.

4. "Found this in the hallway wall. I've lived in this house for all of my 46 years."

5. Either a cat or an owl

6. Giant jellyfish on the coast of Maine, USA

7. After the flood, a man found three graves on his plot

8. Compact house

9. "Devil's Tower" - a natural monument in Wyoming, USA. The height of the monolith is 265 m. Native American tribes believe sacred object

"Do not open the attic under any circumstances! Especially in the light! This is very important!"

11. A real Pastafarian

12. Pie on order

13. "Big-eyed" tree

14. Tombstone "Big Child" from the 1800s

15. "Found this on a mountain in Ireland"

16. "Found 93 copies of Forrest Gump while looking at a house I'm about to buy."

The picture was taken at 3 am. It looks like a man is crawling down the road

18. What dentists train on

19. In South Dakota, the sky turned green

20. Such America

21. "Toothy" artichoke

22. Forgot about the syrup on the stove

23. Mindfulness test

24. Sleeping girl from Tourville: March 28, 1871 11-year-old Ellen Sadler went to bed and woke up 9 years later

25. "How my wife sits"

26. There is something wrong with the ceiling

27. Black house in Germany

28. The homeowner found a cucumber on the front door.

29. High rise trousers

30. A resident of Bolivia went through with alcohol and woke up in a coffin when they tried to sacrifice him

31. Forest find

32. Something from Alabama

33. Unusual hand

34. Horned Stranger

35. In a public toilet

36. It ended up at the checkout of a sporting goods store.

"Photograph of my grandmother and her friend at a party in 1971"

38. Old can of peaches

39. Looking for a Halloween costume

40. Meanwhile in the London Underground. Do the locals eat raw meat?

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