A vase bought at a flea market turned out to be a work of art (6 photos)

Category: Decorations, PEGI 0+
20 July 2023

A young couple purchased a small vase depicting roosters and chickens in a charity shop in England. What was their surprise? when the vase turned out to be a valuable work of art.

Epsom couple seen at a thrift store a small vase depicting roosters and hens on a black background, over which birds are flying. The British drew attention to the engraved on the bottom marks and thought the vase might be valuable.

After the purchase, the new owners looked for information about similar vases on the Internet and turned to the auction house Canterbury Auction Galleries for expert opinion.

The specialist examined the vase and said that it was created at the end of the 19th century. century master of the golden age of Japanese enamel Namikawa Yasuyuki, who worked in cloisonne technique. The vase will be put up for auction, which is scheduled for July 29.

The initial price of the lot will be 10 thousand pounds. For proceeds money the couple plans to go on vacation and make a generous donation to thrift store where they purchased unexpectedly valuable item.

The cloizone technique is a complex process in which the wire soldered to the metal surface of the product to create closed loop. Then a small amount is applied to the resulting spaces. amount of colored enamel, after which the entire object is fired, polished and polished.

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