In Uglegorsk district, a family of bears ate food from dogs guarding the territory

19 July 2023

A mother bear with three cubs emptied the bowls of dogs from a protected area.

In the Uglegorsk region, a she-bear with three cubs came out to the smell of dog food, which was in the bowls of local dogs. The video was filmed by local workers, presumably from the Solntsevsky coal mine.

The footage shows how at first the big brown bear descends to the food, she is not afraid of the barking of two or three dogs, and begins to eat. Following her, three small bear cubs descend to the stern and also begin to refresh themselves with someone else's rations.

At some point, the dog tried to defend what she was rightfully supposed to eat, but the she-bear released her claws and made it clear with one gesture that she did not intend to doubt her right to this food.

In the end, the bears were frightened off by workers who made noise with the help of car signals. The bears retreated into the forest, but kept turning around in the hope of returning for the remnants

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