Interesting facts from the life of Benny Hill (7 photos + 1 video)

12 July 2023

The year of his birth is still unknown. And in general about little is known about the fate of the British comedian. But still we are something we know.

It's a known fact that comedians and people who smile a lot often very unhappy. They will make the viewer laugh and become hostages their own jokes. Not passed this and the famous comedian Benny Hill, more than 30 years that made the whole world laugh. He spent his last years alone suffering from severe depression.

military clown

Benny's real name is Alfred Hawthorne Hill. He was born in 1924 (and maybe in 1925). And his grandfather and father worked as clowns in circus.

In 1942, Benny ended up in Normandy - there he was driver and mechanic. He did not participate in the battles, but still ended up in risk zone - he was appointed as an operator of searchlights during air defense. And already under the very end of the war of the future comedian was transferred to the "Entertainment Division" and he had already met the end of the war with a professional military clown.

Shame on the nation

Margaret Thatcher called Benny Hill a "disgrace" in the 80s British Nation" and insisted that his show be subjected to the most severe censorship.

Ben Elton, the so-called "progressive" comedian, in general stated that it was Hill with his show who was responsible for all episodes rapes that occurred in England in those years while on television were showing Benny's show. Notably, the fem community lashed out specifically on Elton, absolutely rightly stating that he was certainly not a man must decide what exactly a woman considers offensive to her.

Millionaire Scared

Having become rich, Hill never bought a car, considering this the purchase is too expensive and every day I walked many miles to studios where they filmed his show. A taxi was also a luxury for him. Whole food the comedian bought in stores only for a promotion and ate very cheap products. He always repaired his clothes, rarely buying new ones and not at all. shy of darned socks and patches. This attitude towards money raised by extremely stingy parents. At the same time, Hill was a millionaire: after his death, he had 7.5 million pounds in his account.


We all know the image of Benny Hill - fat vulgar and vulgar old man. But in real life, Benny was clamped and melancholy. He was embarrassed to communicate with women and only twice in his whole life was strong and passionately in love. courted his lovers and proposed but both times he received a categorical refusal.

sad death

His last years were incredibly sad. The show was closed and Benny just locked himself in his rented apartment and ate all day inexpensive food, washed down with alcohol.

On April 22, 1992, Hill received a new contract from Central Independent Television. Several days passed and the producer project Dennis Kirkland came home to the comedian to tell happy news.

He saw a terrible sight: the corpse of a comedian, who had already begun decompose, sat in an old armchair by a working TV. All around was littered with bottles of alcohol and plates of leftover food.

Benny passed away the same day the letter was sent to him. new contract. The cause of death was coronary thrombosis.


Not knowing how else to heat up the news of Benny Hill's death, the media published a duck that in his grave, according to the will of the deceased, lie different jewels and gold.

On October 4, 1992, it was dug up. Unknowns crushed him tombstone, dug up the body of a comedian and arranged a complete chaos. All this was discovered only the next day and those responsible for abuse of the deceased was never found. Now on his grave huge concrete slab.


When Britons were asked in 2015 what kind of the melody is the most recognizable for them, the majority answered Yakety Sax. Yes, that same world-famous motif of "The Benny Hill Show", recognizable from the first note.

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