We live like hell

10 July 2023
The wives of the mobilized, who did not understand anything for almost 1.5 years of this war of conquest, again turn to "dear Vladimir Vladimirovich" with a request to replace their men (who were not at home for 9 months) with new ones. According to the women, their men “do not refuse to defend their homeland”, but are already physically and morally exhausted, their illnesses have worsened.

Advice to all who are still “in the tank” (both literally and figuratively, like these women, sense) - ask yourself just a couple of questions: How can you defend your “homeland” while being on the territory of a foreign country, trying to capture other land and killing those who really protect their home? How can one believe the words of Putin, who has been lying continuously for many years (about the retirement age, about “we are not there” in Crimea, about “I will not change the Constitution”)?

The main thing that needs to be demanded now from the disrespectful Putin is the immediate withdrawal of ALL troops from the territory of a sovereign state

Source: tg-channel Yoshkin Krot
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