Fashion blogger with anorexia turns into a clothes hanger (7 photos)

Category: Health, PEGI 16
7 July 2023

We have already published photos of plus size models more than once. Wave body positivity is still trending. But it turned out that there are fans very skinny girls. If the world has not gone mad, then it is generally incomprehensible that happening?

Meet Emilia Madalska from Poland. The girl maintains a blog in which she talks about fashion, shows trend images. Model appearance, of course, most often involves slim figure. But it seems that the blogger understood everything too literally, becoming "hanger" for clothes.

And everything would be fine, but the girl clearly has problems with health. She has anorexia, as a result of which she is very thin. Mostly visible bones and skin.

Emilia wants to show that different looks suit everyone, even the slimmest girls. But photos on the background of a white wall look more like frightening when you realize the thickness of her arms and legs.

The main thing is that the girl should be happy in the weight in which she is comfortable. But all the clothes on her literally hang out.

Anorexia makes people look much older than they are. age: they are given out by a haggard face, lack of strong muscles or fat, supporting the frame of the body.

Moreover, the girl has almost 13 thousand subscribers on the blog, who take style advice into service.

It's dangerous when bloggers with health problems start broadcast your lifestyle. Then young girls don't know what to be in the end: obese or thin ... Oh, this fashion ...

1 comment
4 February 2024
She looks good, I like her, nothing wrong with that. But being skinny isn't necessarily unhealthy, its what you want to feel comfortable in.
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