In China, a high-speed tram passes through a 19-story residential building

5 July 2023

If you are unlucky with noisy neighbors or you live near the railway, know that the residents of high-rise buildings in Chongqing (China) are even more unlucky.

The fact is that the buildings in this part of the city are too dense, and the terrain is complex. So local engineers found a way out of this difficult situation. And we must pay tribute, it turned out they were very creative.

The light rail line ran right through the apartment building, and Li Ziba Station was located on the seventh and eighth floors. Initially, a house was built, but almost with the completion of its construction, it was decided to build a road. According to Ye Tianyi, the station's designer, it was a difficult task, but they successfully coped with it.

But what is most interesting, this house has remained residential. This building, through which Line 2 passes, houses shops on the 1st to 5th floors, residential areas on the 9th to 19th floors, and rail transit areas in the middle floors, 6th to 8th.

But the residents of this attraction note that the noise level from the trains is almost imperceptible. The builders have done maximum sound insulation in the residential sector. There is also a difference between light rail and metro. The wheels of the light rail are made of rubber, and low noise and vibration devices are installed, so the sound is not as noisy.

Although, on the other hand, getting home is much faster, you got out of the car and you are already in the house!

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