Interesting facts about the movie "Jurassic Park" (24 photos)

Category: Facts, Movie, PEGI 16
3 July 2023

Photos from the set and interesting facts about the science fiction film "Jurassic Park", released in 1993.

Jurassic Park directed by Steven Spielberg released in 1993 and became a real hit. Filming was difficult, but it it was worth it. The film turned out to be really high quality and interesting.

1. For the entire movie "Jurassic Park" character Wayne Knight - Dennis Nedry wears the same clothes as the guys from the movie "The Goonies" (1985), co-written by Steven Spielberg.

2. Actress Ariana Richards didn't get into the movie because she did the best job with the role, and due to the fact that she is the loudest screamed. Steven Spielberg recorded the screams of all the candidates, and then put this post at home. When it was Ariana's turn to scream, the wife Steven Spielberg woke up and ran to her husband to find out that he does with the child. After that, Spielberg decided that this girl to him fits.

3. For the movie "Jurassic World" (2015) was used the same tyrannosaurus rex that was in the original Jurassic Park period" (1993).

4. Today, the roar of a Tyrannosaurus rex from the movie is considered almost reference. But we are well aware that no one knows what it was the sounds that the ancient lizards made. So the creators improvised crossed sounds made by a tiger, an elephant, a penguin, a dog and crocodile. This is such an explosive mixture.

But the roar of the brachiosaurus was limited to the sounds of two animals - a donkey and a whale.

5. Velociraptors were actually the size of a dog and their the average height was about half a meter. But Steven Spielberg liked these dinosaurs so much that he ordered them to be made much higher. As a result, the growth of velociraptors was more than 2.5 meters.

6. Richard Attenborough, who played John Hammond, is not not only as an actor, but also as a director. In 1983 he received an Oscar for the film "Gandhi", snatching victory from Spielberg with his "Alien".

By the way, Richard Attenborough played in the movie "Jurassic Park" period" 14 years after the release of the last film with his participation.

7. In close-ups, dinosaurs were animatronics, but on the general plans, computer graphics, and very high quality for 1993.

8. Naturally, the cars in the film were not electric, but a very cunning scheme was used to control them. Drivers located in the trunk, and it was from there that they drove the car, focusing on the cameras located on the dashboard of the car.

9 Samuel L. Jackson Played The Park's Chief Engineer Ray Arnolds. According to the plot, a separate scene was to be filmed, where Arnolds runs away from the Velociraptor, but the lizard still kills him. But the scene was not filmed in the end, as a hurricane hit the island and the actor could not fly to the island. As a result, the murder scene is shown not was, and in the frame we see only a separate hand of the engineer.

10. Tyrannosaurus Animatronics Intermittently Glitched Due to rain, which frightened the film crew, as there was a feeling that the tyrannosaurus really came to life.

11. Based on the 3D version released in 2013, Park Jurassic Period "raised more than $ 1.1 billion. At one time (before the release "Titanic"), for 4 years he took first place in the list of the most highest grossing films in the world.

12. Steven Spielberg purchased the film rights to his book from Michael Crichton before it was published.

13. Glasses of water that shook from the stomp tyrannosaurus rex were actually powered by a guitar, which was located at the bottom of the glasses. To make glasses shaking, a member of the film crew pulled the strings.

14. Initially, it was planned that eggs would hatch triceratops, but then they were replaced with velociraptors to show that predators are raised on the island.

15. The glass that a Tyrannosaurus rex shatters in a car to get to the children, should not have crashed. so the cries of the children in the frame is sincere.

16. The role of Dr. Ian Malcolm has already been assigned to Jeff Goldblum, but the creators, just in case, still decided to hold casting. Jim Carrey even auditioned for the role. But according to eyewitnesses he played terribly. Moreover, at that time Jim was not yet so famous. actor, because he received his popularity only in 1994, when Movies such as The Mask and Ace Ventura were released.

17. As you may have noticed, Dr. Hammond is dressed in all white, while Dr. Ian Malcol is dressed in all black. The creators made it deliberately to show two completely opposite characters.

Note that even the actors' hair matches theirs. appearance (Hammond is gray and Malcolm has black hair).

18. Dennis watches Jaws during his work day. filmed earlier by the same Steven Spielberg. Good reference.

19. Sam Neill, who played Dr. Grant, said that while distracting the Tyrannosaurus with fire, he burned his wrist.

20. The movie "Jurassic Park", but the dinosaurs only have 15 minutes of screen time.

21. The movie "Jurassic Park" became so popular, that, based on his motives, games were released on the cult consoles of the 90s "NES" and "Sega mega drive 2".

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