Activist throws pizza at New York city government

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
30 June 2023

In New York, the Department of Environmental Protection has developed new requirements for eateries that cook on wood and coal stoves. Pizzerias have been hardest hit.

The New York City Department of Environmental Protection has called for a reduction in carbon emissions by up to 75 percent. Eateries that cook on wood or charcoal stoves should replace them or install special filters.

Pizzerias installed before May 2016 must purchase expensive oven equipment, while establishments installed after May 2016 must purchase new ovens. A Brooklyn shop owner said he spent $20,000 on an air filter system, according to the New York Post.

The owners of pizzerias are not only concerned about the financial issue. Pizza cooked in the oven is very different from pizza cooked in the oven.

Activist and artist Scott Lobaido even staged a protest. He bombarded New York City with pizzas.

Lobaido believes that New York is nothing without pizza. In his opinion, the new regulations are destroying small businesses.

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