Funny and "nonsense" movie facts (14 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 16
23 June 2023

"Shittymoviedetails" is a funny section on Reddit where people share fun facts about cinema. But with one caveat - This is all complete nonsense and lies. Actually, by the name of the thread, and so on should be clear. However, there is some truth in every joke. So Many facts cannot be denied.

How the cartoon "Shrek" was filmed

Yes, everything is green, no real landscapes.

Actors in black-and-white films often put their lives in danger during driving scenes.

Because they couldn't determine the color of the traffic light.

It is known that during the filming of "Jurassic Park" T-Rex sweated a lot.

Because it was his first major role in 55 million years.

In Don't Look Up, Leonardo DiCaprio is shown married to a woman in her 40s.

This confirms that the film is science fiction, so how DiCaprio can't date a woman over 25.

The film "Interstellar" was released on November 6, 2014, that is, almost an hour and a half ago

In Batman v Superman, in order to defeat a god possessing superpower, laser-shooting and flying, Bruce Wayne pulls up

In The Matrix, a child tells Neo that he must understand that "there is no spoon"

However, if you look closely, you will notice that there is still a spoon in this scene.

Christoph Waltz played an anti-racist in Django Unchained and a racist in Inglourious Basterds

This is a deliberate reference by Quentin Tarantino to Waltz being an actor.

In Doctor Strange, Wong finds none of the jokes funny Strange. At the end of the movie, Strange makes a bad joke and Wong laughs

This is because Strange is now his boss.

There were no crows in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy

That's because Cillian Murphy did a good job as the Scarecrow.

In Dark Phoenix, Charles Xavier made his students wear an X on their chest so that the enemy would aim at them instead of him.

Zoe Saldana left to play a red alien to transform into an on-screen RGB color model

While most recent films use expensive CGI technology to make the actors look younger... Saw 6, a much more advanced method was used, and in In flashbacks, actor Tobin Bell simply wore a baseball cap backwards.

There is a scene in the movie Braveheart with a barely visible car in the background.

This is often cited as a mistake by the filmmakers, however, during the filming of the film in 1995 on the set really often cars were used.

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