United Russia MP called a resident of Udmurtia a “Ukrainian intruder” for criticizing the work of the authorities - Sirena

21 June 2023
A resident of Balezino filmed a video in which she criticized the "reconstruction" of the local stadium. The seats were replaced in the stands, but they did it from pieces of plywood, which is already stratified. “Children play football in the dust, and if it rains, they play in the mud,” the woman says.

On the Day of Russia, sheets with the inscription "Honorary Citizens" were pasted on benches with better plywood.

“These places are occupied by honorary citizens. Here are the places of honor they deserve! We have cool seats, ”the activist ironically.

According to the woman, for criticism and uncomfortable questions at the meetings, the deputy of the district, United Russia party Sergei Buldakov, called her a “Ukrainian mischief-maker.”

According to the public procurement website, almost 119 million rubles have been allocated for the overhaul of the stadium. Another 24 million - for the overhaul of the administrative building of the stadium with stands. The local authorities promised to start work in the spring, but after a request from activists, it became known that residents of Balezino would not wait for updates at the sports facility this year.
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