A resident of Udmurtia was fined for recording an appeal to the Direct Line with Putin

8 June 2023
A resident of Udmurtia was fined for contacting Vladimir Putin. She, along with her neighbors, recorded a video in which she asked for the road to be repaired, and officials took it for an uncoordinated rally.

An amazing responsiveness to people's complaints was demonstrated by the authorities of the city of Votkinsk. They found in the social networks of Nina Krivoshchekova another March video with an appeal to the president. There, a woman, along with other residents, complained about officials who have not been able to repair the road and the dilapidated water supply for 35 years.

This wounded the people's choices to the very heart. Nina was eventually charged under an administrative article about an uncoordinated rally and fined 10,000 rubles. True, now this story has returned to officials like a boomerang - the activists of the "People's Front" have already asked the police and the TFR to check their actions.
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