Stuffed shark that killed Russian to be exhibited in Egyptian museum

15 June 2023
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The sea predator will replenish the exposition with other man-eating sharks.

The Egyptian authorities are mummifying and donating to the museum a tiger shark that mauled 23-year-old Russian citizen Vladimir Popov on July 8 near the beach in Khudgard.

It is known that the man-eating shark was caught before the arrival of specialists. Scientists wanted to study her behavior and release her into the wild, but the fishermen handed over the sea predator already dead. They reportedly beat her to death with clubs.

According to media reports, the head, chest and hands of the deceased were removed from the shark's stomach, fishermen got the second part of the body from the bottom of the sea.

It is reported that the carcass has already been mummified and now experts are carrying out the embalming procedure. After its completion, the shark will replenish the exhibits in the museum of the Institute of Marine Sciences and Reserves of the Red Sea.

The deceased Vladimir Popov spent several months with his father in the Egyptian resort. Yuri Popov calls the incident a terrible accident. Now the Hudgarda authorities are planning to revise the safety standards on local beaches.

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