The most popular movie misconceptions (11 photos)

Category: Movie, PEGI 16
12 June 2023

This article describes the most popular scenes from western films that are completely untrue

All this is just nothing more than misconceptions that are certainly not worth repeating in real life.

10 most ridiculous Hollywood clichés

1. Non-hazardous explosions

Rarely is a Hollywood blockbuster complete without a powerful final explosion. Buildings collapse, fly tens of meters into the air cars, the glow is visible from the other end of the city, and only the main character, without looking back, with a leisurely step, with a feeling of deep satisfaction on his face, proudly moving away from him. In reality, shock wave and fragments would have torn it into small pieces. At the very best case, he would have been thrown back - quite far and almost certainly with serious damage to various organs. History does not know a single case so that a powerful explosion will allow you to keep a smug expression on your face to a person who is a few tens of meters away from him.

2. An injection in the heart

If Tarantino's "Pulp Fiction" taught his viewer is that a heroin overdose can be "cured" by injecting adrenaline directly into the heart. Although there are suspicions that the brilliant film director tried to achieve a slightly different effect - humorous or dramatic. As it were, delusion went to the people and took root. Intracardiac injections are a very real medical reception, but it is almost never used. The fact is that drugs can be introduced into the body person in many other ways. For this it is absolutely not necessary punch holes in the heart. Any drug that enters the bloodstream by injection into a vein, will spread throughout the body in less than minute. The method shown in the film is also dangerous because it can lead to lung puncture. It is also extremely dangerous damage, fraught with lethal outcome.

3. Slowly Tracking Phone Calls

We've all seen it more than once - negative or positive the hero is talking on the phone, and his interlocutor, who is either himself police officer, or cooperates with law enforcement agencies, in every possible way drags out the conversation. A group of technicians meanwhile trying to determine the location of a person who is on another end of the wire. However, these are realities in the best case of the seventies - it was then that telephone service providers abandoned operators and switches, and switched to electronic switching mechanisms. Today the caller from the wired set is calculated immediately. In case of everything is also very simple with a mobile phone - the police can quickly track its location if the GPS function is activated on it.

4. Chloroform

How to "turn off" a character that interferes with his presence? Chloroform, of course! However, it is not at all as effective as we persistently show. A person falls asleep only five minutes after the start steam treatment of this chemical compound. At the same time, there is no guarantees that the neutralized person will remain in an unconscious state in for any significant amount of time. Because it needs additional doses of chloroform. Everything is correct - over the disabled you need to be on duty, constantly prolonging his "sleep". So euthanize the man and You can’t safely carry it in the trunk for half a day. This is another fairy tale.

5. So no one drowns

How do they drown in Hollywood? Victim floundering, dramatic waving his arms and screaming for help right up to the very moment when forever hidden under water. In reality, things don't look like that. Here, 20-60 seconds before going to the bottom, a person falls into a kind of stupor, which is called "instinctive reaction drowning." In this state, conscious movements are impossible. Human surrenders to the will of the waves, his legs do not twitch, his arms are pressed to his body. At he does not have the strength and time to scream - he makes every effort, to try and get some more air. In general, we drown very quietly, without sudden movements, without attracting attention.

6. Infinite Pixels

Infinitely zooming in on a blurry image taken by a camera outdoor surveillance, you will not see faces, car numbers, etc. interesting details. Magic button with the conditional name "improve picture" does not exist. The pixels that make up the image don't work like that at all. If you bring them closer, they will not give a new information, but simply after some time will turn into monochrome large squares on the screen. However, Hollywood screenwriters are not stops. Particularly funny in this regard is a scene from the movie "Blade Runner" when Harrison Ford's character zooms in on the reflection in closet door until it recreates the face.

7. Bullets blow up everything they hit.

In Hollywood films from conventional firearms you can blow up a wide range of objects, sometimes very large and seemingly invulnerable to pieces of metal weighing about nine grams. Classic tough guy destroys cars with a couple of shots cars, huge trucks, gas stations… From time to time falls even on airplanes. It's scary to imagine what our reality, if all these objects exploded from random impacts and breakdowns with a diameter of half a centimeter. Gas tank explosion from aptly fired bullet is a real myth. By the way, he was debunked by Channel "Discovery" in the program "MythBusters".

8. Showcases

Hollywood heroes very often pierce with their own or others' bodies of huge shop windows, but not a single spectator has yet seen, so that the scene after the incident was covered in blood. But broken glass has razor-sharp edges that are easy to tear and clothes, and human flesh. Just ask the local doctors traumatology. Ordinary glass windows, and even small ones, are also dangerous. vents. Until they were replaced by plastic, they regularly cut people nerves, blood vessels and tendons. There were even lethal outcomes.

9. Madness as a defense tactic in court

A classic example is "A Time to Kill" with a very young Samuel Jackson. The court finds his hero innocent of the murder of two men who raped his daughter - due to temporary insanity. Also this plot device is used in such films, as "Primal Fear" with Richard Gere and "Batman Begins" with Christian Bale. However, in reality, this method of protection is used extremely rarely. Lawyers in the US use it less than 1% of the time there is such a possibility. Probably because it helps to achieve positive result in no more than 25% of cases. In addition, persons found not guilty by reason of temporary insanity do not come out to freedom, but are sent for treatment in psychiatric institutions.

10 Magic Defibrillator

This is one of the most common medical myths. character in the Hollywood film industry. The man lies in the ward, and he for one reason or another, the heart stops. Sometimes it's for persuasiveness is illustrated by a straight line on the monitor and a nasty warning beep. Doctors come running, frantically roll up defibrillator, and begin to beat the deceased with current discharges, from which he long-suffering body throws up. After a couple of minutes the heart miraculously starts, doctors wipe sweat from their foreheads, relieved sigh, and with a sense of accomplishment return to the routine work. But after the cardiac arrest, after that very straight line A defibrillator can't help in any way. He is not for this designed structurally. He restores the rhythm wrong beating heart. Everything else is from Hollywood.

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