An obese cat fell from a height of 27 meters and escaped with a slight fright (5 photos + 1 video)

Category: Animals, PEGI 0+
12 June 2023

They say that cats have nine lives. Fat cat named Shi Fu, who lives with his mistress in Bangkok, one of his life recently spent, and very successfully. First, there are still eight left, secondly, having fallen from a great height, he managed to get clearly into the rear the glass of the car below, smash it and not get a single fracture!

Cat Shi Fu weighs 9 kg, this is considered overweight for cats weight. He fell from a height of 27 meters, falling from the balcony of the 6th floor (if take the floor height of 3-3.5 m, then the 8th or 9th floor will come out according to ours).

Fall caught on CCTV camera

The owner of the cat was crying at the scene and explained that forgot to close the balcony door. She was fined - but only because that it is forbidden to keep animals in this residential complex.

The cat was rushed to the vet. They found several bruises, two broken claws, and a nose swollen from a collision with glass, but no life-threatening injuries. And this despite the fact that he broke through the rear window of the car with his carcass!

The owner of the red MG Apivat Toyotata was, of course, very upset about the fact that the rear window of the car is smashed to smithereens. However, he said that he himself loves cats, understands that cats are creatures unpredictable and it was an accident. He called the insurance company to pay damages.

“The cat was moved to another place. Please don't scold strongly his mistress. Cats are hard to care for, and it happened accidentally. The owner of the cat learned her lesson and is trying to help her pet lose weight,” he said.

Interesting fact: the Guinness Book of Records removed the title of "most heaviest cat in the world" to prevent overfeeding. Among "record holders" were previously marked by a cat from Australia named Himmy, who at the age of 10 weighed 21.3 kg (1986) and a cat from Santa Fe (New Mexico) named Meow, who at the age of 2 years weighed 18 kg (died in 2012).

In the UK, pet owners are encouraged to liability for cruelty to animals if pets Obesity is observed, dangerous for their lives. In the US, where about 55% adult cats are overweight due to obesity, each year 14 October is National Awareness Day obesity problems in pets.

Obese cats are at greater risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and faster joint degeneration. Mortality in obese cats aged 8 to 12 years compared with skinny cats are about three times higher. They are also more likely to suffer diseases of the oral cavity and urinary tract, such as stones in bladder.

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