Motivational speaker from India recorded a song 138 hours long (5 photos)

12 June 2023

Music statistics state that the average time Song lengths have been shrinking lately. Today compositions of 10-20 minutes (like Pink Floyd, for example) - large rarity. But there are, there are still real fighters for the right to play and sing before drop! And our story is about such a wonderful person.

Would you listen to a song that lasts almost six days?

Jagadish Pillai is a writer, researcher and motivational speaker from Varanasi (India) - believes that this is quite normal and achievable. In April, he finally realized his lifelong dream and recorded song of his own composition. Composed, recorded, mixed and published. The result of his efforts was a music track with a duration of 138 hours 41 minutes and 20 seconds!

It is the longest officially released song ever.

The track is based on the poem "Ramacharitamanas" ("The Sea of Rama's Deeds") and bears the same name. This famous poetic work Indian poet of the 16th century Tulsidas, who is considered one of the epic masterpieces of Hinduism and consists of over 15,000 verses.

Jagadish Pillai took on his musical project not just So. The goal was nothing less than to set a world record for song length. The idea came up in 2016 The start was made in 2019, but the project has only been implemented now. IN in total it took four years, 63 days and 295 hours.

The poem is written in Awadhi, the vernacular form of Hindi, in which is mainly spoken in the Awad region; hence, the record-breaking song is also written in Awadhi. She is detailed recounts the deeds of the legendary Rama, the seventh avatar of Vishnu, though in some places differs markedly from the original epic.

The place where Jagadish Pillai set his record gets of particular importance, since the city of Varanasi, located in the North India is a well-known spiritual center of adherents of Hinduism. It is one of the oldest continuously inhabited cities in the world, full of ancient traditions and often mentioned in epic sagas. It is believed that Varanasi was founded by the god Shiva and has a long history.

In addition, it was here that the author of the poem Tulsidas lived, and here he founded Sankatmochan temple dedicated to Hanuman, the god and central figure of the Ramayana. It is believed that the building stands on the spot where the saint and the divine appeared to the scientist.

According to Jagadish Pillai, Varanasi is called the spiritual capital of India.

The sacred river Ganges flows here. There are thousands of temples. And the suburb of Sarnath is the place where Buddha Shakyamuni read the first sermon to his five first disciples, having carried out the "turning of the Wheel teachings." This city has a lot to show and tell.

And the epic song, almost six days long, will help to spread the spirituality inherent in Varanasi around the world.

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