Youtuber caught and ate a deadly jellyfish for the sake of likes (3 photos + 1 video)

5 June 2023

A Japanese YouTuber has recently found himself at the center of a scandal. by posting a video of him cooking and eating broth made from dozens of deadly physalia.

Popular Japanese YouTuber homosapi (ホモサピ) has been criticized for irresponsibility - experts in the field of marine life believe that by his act, the YouTuber popularizes cooking and eating one of the most dangerous marine organisms in the world. Portuguese man-of-war or physalia, which is usually called simply jellyfish, is actually a marine hydrozoa - an organism made up of smaller units that are genetically identical but perform different functions. The Portuguese boat is famous for its a painful bite powerful enough to kill most animals, and sometimes even people. This is clearly not the kind of person you want to approach. closer, not to mention to catch and cook, but what not do it for likes...

In a viral video, homosapi tells his million subscribers that he came up with the "brilliant" idea to cook broth from Portuguese boat. Knowing it's sure to draw attention all over the Internet, he decided to film the process on video. Youtuber found the beach where Portuguese boats often wash ashore, went there with friends and picked up a few of these creatures, similar to blue Balloons.

After washing them thoroughly, the YouTuber started cooking - first he boiled creatures in water until they dissolved into a jelly-like mass. He then cooked this jelly over an open fire for a few seconds, then mixed with vegetables, sauces and a powder similar to glutamate sodium. Then he tried an unusual dish and said that the taste reminds him of scallops. Youtuber has not yet reported any side effects delicacy effects.

Marine life experts reacted negatively to homosapi video and warned viewers not to think of following youtuber example. Although technically Portuguese boats really can be eaten if they are boiled long enough to neutralize the protein-based toxin, it is still very dangerous - if make a mistake with the cooking time, the poison will not go anywhere.

Shuhei Ikeda, jellyfish breeder at the Kamo Aquarium in the city Tsuruoka, stated that there was also a danger of inhaling the poison through the fumes during the preparation of the Portuguese boats. And even if the toxin will not be fatal, eating these creatures can cause severe allergic reaction and difficulty breathing.

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