russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for May 28-29

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
30 May 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- In War Thunder, bots have been noticed that recruit contractors through the game chat.

From a virtual tank to a real one.

I hit the target audience, as they say.

- And good news from Australia.. a local named James Walter, missing for 10 days, was found dead in Sydney, traces indicate that it was not a natural death.

- Massive Russian kamikaze UAVs provided by Iran carried out mostly attacks on Kyiv overnight.

52 of 54 Iranian Shahed kamikaze UAVs were shot down. New record.

It was the most intense UAV attack of all time, 28th

- On the 29th, Ukrainian air defense forces destroyed 37 Russian cruise missiles out of 40 launched at night, as well as 29 kamikaze UAVs out of about 35.

37 X-101/X-555 cruise missiles;

29 UAV-kamikaze "Shahed-136/131";

1 x reconnaissance UAV.

- The governor of Belgorod again piled krinzha.

Vyacheslav Gladkov, after visiting the wounded in the hospital, said that there were foreign mercenaries in the DRG, although quite recently, all the Russian media were shouting that they were "attacked" by Russian Nazis.

- Z-public subscribers publicly call to "hang", "break arms and legs" or "at least" to dismiss the assistant professor-historian of St. Petersburg State University, who, in a chat about the deceased soldier of the Russian Federation, called for "fighting rashism." ASTRA

- Didn't see anything, didn't hear anything, didn't say anything to anyone

- A book about the crimes of the Russian Federation called "Crime without Punishment" was brought to the International Book Fair in Warsaw. It has 6,000 pages, which symbolize 6,000 children abducted by the invaders from Ukraine.

- Peskov: "The goals of the SVO have not changed, but the goals themselves are a state secret"

- RDK congratulates on the day of the border guard

- EU Spokesperson for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy: "The Russian leadership and those responsible for the attack on the Dnieper and Kyiv will be held accountable"

- Minister of Defense of Ukraine Reznikov:

Of the total number of Storm Shadow launches that have already taken place, all 100% hit the targets set by the General Staff.

- Visually documented losses of Russian Oryx tanks during the invasion of Ukraine in 2022 exceeded 2000 and reached 2002 units.

- US-owned NATO KFOR vehicle, graffitied by Serbs in the form of the letter "Z".

- Another night strike by the Shahed-131/136 UAV-kamikaze of the Russian Iranian production was inflicted on Ukraine, especially on Kyiv.

29 out of 31 Russian kamikaze UAVs were destroyed by Ukrainian air defense forces.

- Young Major Valery Zaluzhny and Lieutenant Colonel Sergei Naev in 2007.

Did you recognize Zaluzhny?

- Preliminarily, these were Iskanders. The missiles flew along a ballistic trajectory from the north, — Ignat about the attack on Kyiv on the 29th.

They are of different modifications. "Iskander-M" is a ballistic missile, and there is "Iskander-K" - a cruise missile. What type of weapons was used - will be known later.

- 32 people who filmed air defense work in Kyiv today have already been detained, — Media

- Russia will give Kenya 30,000 tons of shit, — La Repubblica

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during a sudden visit to Nairobi announced the supply of manure ) for an African country: “in a few days, — he said, — a cargo of 30,000 tons of shit will arrive at the port of Mombasa.

- The G7 countries are working covertly on security guarantees for Ukraine in the event of an end to the war, — La Repubblica.

Among the possible guarantees, ( according to the publication, EU accession negotiations are already at the upcoming summit in December. And so the United States and the EU are inciting Zelensky to soften the conditions on which he is ready to negotiate with the Russian Federation.

- Russia has reached a dead end in Bakhmut and will soon lose it, — The Wall Street Journal

While Russia and Ukraine fought for control over the last quarters of Bakhmut, ( Ukrainian troops invaded Russia, creating serious problems that will force Moscow to transfer troops from the front to its border in order to secure it.

"Our goal is to tactically encircle Bakhmut", — said the platoon commander of the 3rd assault brigade of Ukraine, which is leading a counterattack south of the city.

- Do you agree with itpedia?

- "But there was one who did not shoot." When the board of shame turns into a board of honor.

Thank you Ani Lorak!

- Andrey Loshak: "Look again at this video with children fleeing the bombing. This is unforgivable"

- LSR replied to Yuliy Latynina

Text from TG Legion

It is interesting to follow the reaction of the so-called liberal "oppositionists" to the latest events. Today they are trying to look for a speck in our eye and tell us how to and not to fight the regime.

Our position is simple: in the current situation, playing along with Putin's gang and discrediting the work of our divisions — this is a litmus test, showing either the agents of the Kremlin, or simply narrow-minded people. We call on all opposition leadersionic motions combine. Anyone who is ready to act and fight. Support the combat units of the Russian opposition.

Julia, this text is for you and for all those who still think that they can escape from the country and skillfully broadcast useless nonsense — more effective than waging an armed struggle against the bloody regime of the Kremlin. It's time to decide: are you theorists who drink latte in Europe and tell us how to fight, or a real force that can demolish the Ozero cooperative. Our answer to those who have never seen a war.

"L" For Russia! For freedom!

- Russians react to family guy

- Appreciated the joke: Tokayev about Lukashenka's invitation to join the Union State

President Kassym-Zhomart Tokayev commented on Alexander Lukashenko's statement during his working trip to the North Kazakhstan region, correspondent reports.

"Recently, the President of the Republic of Belarus, Alexander Grigoryevich Lukashenko, proposed Kazakhstan to join the Union State. I appreciated his joke. I think that there is no need for this, since there are other integration associations, primarily the Eurasian Economic Union. As for nuclear weapons, then we do not need them, since we have acceded to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and the Treaty on the Ban on Nuclear Weapons Tests. We remain committed to the obligations under these international documents."

- Ekaterina Solovyova, daughter of the propagandist Solovyov, openly criticizes the war

As Layout has found out, Vladimir Solovyov's own daughter publicly opposes the war in Ukraine, criticizes Putin and repressive Russian laws. «I want you to know, Russia — it's not Putin. And don't let the hate win, because that's what they're after, — said the girl in one of her videos on Tiktok.

Ekaterina calls for donations to Russian human rights foundations "Violence. No" and "OVD-Info". She criticized the arrests of the opposition, but at the same time confessed her love for her father.

Besides, Ekaterina Solovyova dances on Moscow burlesque scenes and directs feminist performances. For example, in April and May in Moscow, she staged the play "28 Days" about domestic violence.


- There are mothers without illusions and mothers with illusions, but both lose their sons: a letter from the mother of a 22-year-old prisoner who left the colony to fight in Ukraine

- Hitting decision points

- And what are we for?

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