25 Unfortunate Cooks Who Tried To Impress Their Loved Ones And Failed (26 Photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 16, Fun
26 May 2023

Why do we need social networks, if not for photos of food, even if this food looks absolutely disgusting. From bacon-wrapped cookies to pasta cooked right in the sink, the dishes from this selection are clearly not grab Michelin stars from the sky. But done with heart!

1. Additional nutrients and colors - what a growing body needs

2. The Italian mafia called, said hello to mom

3. “My beloved wanted to cook something new for dinner. Someone stop her"

4. Merry Christmas, dirty animal!

5. “Watermelon pizza, green thing — is it gucumole??” [author's spelling retained]

6. Reminiscent of the contents of the package, which, after the New Year, grandmothers take out to yard cats

7. Bacon Fried Oreo Cookies

8. When a cat mixed up a plate with a tray

9. ... and again

10. Marinade? No, have not heard

11. One can only admire: this rarity has clearly been in the refrigerator since at least 1969

12. It’s hard to say what it is, but one thing is clear for sure - gastroscopy is just around the corner

13. It can only be explained in one word: pregnancy

14. It would seem that nothing can ruin macaroni and cheese, but then vegans and avocados got down to business

15. My mirror light, tell me: who is the whitest in the world?

16. “It seems that the beloved is on the right track. What do you think?

17. One mistake and you are wrong

18. "Beloved cooked lasagna"

19. Something like this is usually cooked when at four in the morning they fill up with friends in a hostel through the window

20. "Beloved distinguished himself"

21. Oh America. Land of opportunity.

22. "We tried deep-fried ham"

23. “My beloved decided to make something fancy for dinner. Perhaps I pass "

24. “She shouldn’t try this recipe again….”

25. “Beloved tried to distinguish himself by preparing dinner for Valentine's Day. I'll probably politely decline..."

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