Martin Scorsese on Bob De Niro, Leo DiCaprio and old age (8 photos + 1 video)

23 May 2023

Martin Scorsese, director of Taxi Driver and The Departed, A new movie is coming out this fall. Movie lovers expect three s an extra hour of pure enjoyment - starring DiCaprio and De Niro. On the eve of the premiere at Cannes, the master gave an interview in which he spoke about many years of work with Bob and Leo.

DiCaprio in "Killers of the Flower Moon"

About DiCaprio:

- The wonderful thing about him is that he is not afraid with his head dive into the most complex, unusual and intricate topics. And through it he reaches the utmost clarity. You can see it in his face, in his eyes. I told him always said he was a born movie actor. He can just sit and not to think about anything, and at that moment I will take a close-up of his face, I'll put this shot in the movie and people will say, "Oh, he's reacting for so-and-so."

DiCaprio in "Killers of the Flower Moon"

With him, you can conduct the Kuleshov experiment. in his face, in there is something in his gaze that the camera is fixed on. slightest movement, and we understand everything. Thelma Schoonmaker, editing scenes with me Leo, over the years, often said, "Look at him. Look at the movement of the eyes. I think it should be left." He has everything in eyes. It's interesting to watch this.

"This Guy's Life"

On first hearing about DiCaprio:

- Once in 92 or 93 I was talking to Bob on phone, I don't remember what. By that time, we had already done a lot of things with him. did, there were already "Goodfellas", and Bob persuaded me to shoot "Cape fear". After "Goodfellas" he starred in "Life of that guy." And he told me then he said: "I worked with one boy. You must somehow with him work. The guy is really good. There is something in him." For the first time he told me recommended someone. He is not talkative at all.

On the set of "Taxi Driver"

- This is your tenth film with De Niro and sixth with Dee. Caprio. But apart from the short film "Tests", this is the first the time you take them together. Why did it take so long to get there? AND How close were you to both of them in The Departed?

I feel comfortable working with Bob. Not easy, but comfortable because I know that together we can get to the bottom of it. I might, I can't put it into words, but together we can probably do something find.

There were long periods when we didn't work together because that, you know, people change. After "Casino" I realized that we had achieved ceiling in this genre. We must do something else.


Then Leo showed up. There were some scenes with Kate in The Aviator Blanchett, which amazed me. I thought how beautiful. He is with a lot I learned as a man, he himself told me about it. We are a lot we talk before filming, we study the topic in detail. I ask him read some books, listen to some music. He is very good works with music. When we filmed The Departed, it just blossomed like actor. He was just great.

I remember Bob wanted me to make "Analyze This" and he said: "We've done this before on Goodfellas. He and I have always been on communications, discussed various projects. "How about The Renegades?" Bean answered: "No, I don't. You know what I like to do with you." So appeared "Irish". We've been doing it for nine years.

"Good guys"

- Coppola said he offered you to Paramount to direct The Godfather 2. How did you react to this proposal?

- He told me about it, I refused. I don't think I could to make that kind of film at that period of my life. Masterfully remove such an elegant and important film as "The Godfather II"... Now I capable of this, but Coppola was already quite mature then.

I would not be able to fully show high-ranking members of the underworld. I know street thugs. I showed those who I grew up with on the same street, in the Goodfellas.

Martin Scorsese

- You are already 80, do you have the strength for new films?

- Hotel would I take a break for eight weeks and at the same time time to make a movie [laughs]. The whole world is open before me, but already too late.

I am old. I want to tell stories, but I no longer have time. When George Lucas and Steven Spielberg presented Kurosawa with an Oscar, he said, "It's only now that I'm starting to see the potential of cinema, but it's too late." He was 83 years old. Then I did not understand what he had in mind. Now understand.

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