16 daring and interesting ads that have reached a new level (17 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 16
17 May 2023

Advertising has long been an integral part of our lives. But how it's great that marketing can be not only annoying and annoying, but also creative. Some types of advertising are so unusual and interesting that their authors can only applaud.

Their approach to the "promotion" of the product is nothing but the real creativity, which is simply impossible to pass by. Collected examples creative advertising from marketers who know their business.

Even looks refreshing

Explosive taste

Unexpected turn. Advertising inside a fortune cookie

Coke billboards pointing to the nearest trash can

We made creative advertising and did not forget about good manners. Everything would be so!

Everything is logical

Double advertising board

phone advertisement

Bring only fresh vegetables

bakery advertisement

Apple ale advertisement

McDonald's ad that looks like someone took a bite

I also want to come and try it on the tooth.

Catch a drop of happiness

And the stairs were decorated, and advertising was made

Problems happen and you're not ready? An insurance agency is here to help.

These guys know how to put pressure on the sick. We immediately started with trump cards.

Advertisement for supermarkets in North Carolina

Creative marketing on a budget

Shocking? Yes! Attracts attention? Yes!

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