Harsh working days of housing inspectors in Boston (31 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
17 May 2023

Boston Home Inspectors Inspect Homes Before Selling for any non-compliance with the requirements, and its employees at their have seen a lot. Judging by the collection of problems found and malfunctions, there is simply no time for Boston housing inspectors to be bored! Their the work is somewhat reminiscent of the work of a detective or, when things are really bad, criminologist.

1. While waiting for the elevator...

2. Sometimes life offers too many options!

3. Hold on - and okay

4. There definitely can't be any problems here.

5. Lemonade straight from the tap!

6. Almost good .. A little more to the right!

7. Railings are overrated!

8. Sometimes you just need a set of two

9. A little bend here... A little bend there

10. There is absolutely nothing to see here ... Move on

11. The bathroom wall has already grown one breast and is successfully growing a second.

12. It's just a little cramped in here

13. The ad for the sale says that the house has a storage room.

14. Well... we tried our best

15. Yes, technically there is a roof, but there is a nuance ...

16. Now I need this too!

17. There are no security issues here! None at all

18. Here you can not even say anything

19. Catapulting children into the street

20. Fluffy cute thing

21. Everything is fine, there is nothing to complain about

22. A bug was found in the garage, we call exterminators

23. Perfect

24. The right way to inspect a fireplace

25. Ordered the wrong size... no problem, small blocks will fix everything!

26. 161.6°F (72°C)… a cup of tea with toothpaste

27. Apparently, the front panel of the socket does not fit

28. Someone successfully completed a task

29. Those fluffy beams need to be shaved

30. We live in the space age, you can immediately see

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