In Uganda, a police officer shot dead a bank employee because of a loan debt

15 May 2023
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The incident occurred on Friday, May 12, but the recording from surveillance cameras was leaked to the network only a day later.

The murder took place at Yako Bank on Parliament Avenue in Kampala, Uganda.

The bank employee who died on the spot turned out to be an Indian citizen, the director of the TFS financial service, Uttam Bhandari.

Kampala Metropolitan Police spokesman Patrick Onyango said that it was indeed Police Constable Ivan Wabwire who, taking an AK47 assault rifle with him, decided to visit the bank where he took out two loans in 2020. The policeman was planning to refinance loans at another bank, but after Bhandari said that this was not a good idea and told him the amount of the debt, Wubwire got angry and shot the bank employee.

By the way, the debt was 2.13 million shillings, which is about 700 dollars in terms of rubles.

At the moment, the policeman is on the run, efforts are being made to catch him.

The Indian community in Uganda has been quick to comment on the tragedy, saying that the country's government pays too little attention to the safety of foreign citizens. And such behavior of a police officer is an indicator of the lack of oversight of law enforcement agencies in the country. And in general, according to them, the police have too many rights, they often use excessive force and show cruelty.

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