russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for May 7-8

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
9 May 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- Israeli Air Threat Detection System RADA Electronic Industries in Ukraine.

- At night, Russian Iranian-made Shahed-131/136 kamikaze UAVs attacked Ukraine, especially Kiev.

Ukrainian Air Force Says 35 Shaheeds Have Been Destroyed.

- There will no longer be Victory Day on May 9 in Ukraine.

From now on, Ukraine will annually celebrate Europe Day on May 9th.

- Head of German Mercedes-Benz Ola Kallenius:

Our company will not leave China even if Beijing invades Taiwan.

It would be unthinkable for almost the entire German industry.

- Head of Ukrainian military intelligence (GUR) Budanov:

Ukraine will take revenge on Russia for every rocket and bomb, for every destroyed house, for countless victims and sufferings of children and mothers.

- Financial Times:

EU proposes sanctions against Chinese companies for supporting the Russian military machine for the first time since the start of the war in Ukraine

The list includes 7 companies that are engaged in the production of electronics.

- 9 Croatian Mi-8 helicopters flew from Croatia to Ukraine on the morning of May 5 out of 14 previously promised

- The most exported UAVs

In terms of the number of UAVs exported to most countries, Turkey with #BayraktarTB2 is the leader in the UAV export market.

#Türkiye is followed by USA in 2nd place and #China in 3rd place.

- Propagandons are no longer funny.

Why so? Something happened?

- The United States offered Turkey to send its S-400s to Ukraine, but Ankara refused, — Turkish Foreign Minister Cavusoglu.

At the end of March, this was reported by Reuters, citing its own sources. Now the information has been officially confirmed.

- Medvedev hinted at the "sudden death of prisoners", speaking about those who were going to kill Prilepin.

By the way, he has a legal education.

- Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valeriy Zaluzhny with a nominal NAFO chevron and a humorous book "Standards of those who wanted to join NATO".

NAFO (North Atlantic Fella Organization — North Atlantic Organization of Dudes) — an online community that emerged in 2022 to counter Russian propaganda and disinformation.

- Kadyrov in a Louis Vuitton camouflage jacket for 140,000 UAH.

When the usual form does not pin.

- The President of the Czech Republic urged Ukraine not to rush into a counteroffensive, — The Guardian.

Pavel told ( that he warned the Ukrainian authorities against hasty steps at a meeting with Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmygal last week. According to the Czech leader, some may want to push Kyiv to demonstrate some results.

He added that regardless of the power of its armed forces, Ukraine will inevitably suffer "terrible losses", in connection with which Kyiv cannot afford the failure of the counteroffensive.

- The repair of roads in Mykolaiv region was entrusted to the company of an ex-deputy from the Opposition Platform for Life.

SE "Agency of local roads of Mykolaiv region" of the local regional state administration gave 617 million hryvnias to the only bidder for the repair of roads — State of emergency "Nikolaevmagistral".

The company belongs to a well-known businessman in Nikolaev, Sergei Shulgach, who was previously a deputy of the Nikolaev City Council from the Opposition Platform – For life". He was also the owner of Nikolaevavtodor LLC, which in 2016-2018 received contracts for road repairs worth UAH 444 million in the Nikolaev region. It turned out that the company owed taxes to the state for UAH 16 million, and the tax authorities seized this money through the court. She did not appear again for tenders.

- Kadyrov again criticizes Prigozhin's demarche with the threat to leave Bakhmut.

He also said that "there was an understatement in some moments with the command of PMCs" and said that "we will deal with this", but not publicly, but "live, face to face." By the way, already this morning Prigozhin said that PMC "Wagner" will not leave Bakhmut.

- The United States does not doubt the veracity of Ukraine's statement about the interception of the "Dagger" and is very satisfied with this fact, — CNN.

It is reported that the intercept ( was carried out by a Ukrainian crew trained in Oklahoma, but had no American advisers on the battlefield. This fact was very pleased with the Pentagon, which called it a "significant return on investment."

- "Power" of Transnistria appealed to the Russian Federation with a request to increase the military contingent in the PMR.

Representative of Pridnestrovie in the Russian Federation Leonid Manakov considers the increase in the number of military personnel justified "taking into account the growth of security risks." He believes that the military contingent can be increased at the expense of the Russians living in Transnistria.

- This is not a war between Russia and Ukraine, but a war between Russia and the West, — Representative of the Turkish President Ibrahim Kalin.

According to him (, during his visit to Russia, he discussed the situation in Ukraine with Putin, after which he got the impression that “this war will not end at the expense of the military success, but through a new security treaty between the two global blocs.

- In Telegram chats, including those connected with Russian hackers, secret documents of American government agencies are massively traded, — newspaper Financial Times.

We are talking about materials ( leaked by US Air Force soldier Jack Teixeira, as well as other documents, including those found by the FT in private dialogues between US law enforcement and technology companies.

- More than 90% of Ukrainians consider Putin a modern-day Hitler, — "Democratic Initiatives".

Besides, about 92% of Ukrainians believe in Ukraine's victory in the war against Russia. At the same time, there are no significant regional differences — the vast majority of residents of all regions of Ukraine believe that Ukraine will defeat the aggressor.

- Latest missile attacks and UAV attacks in Ukraine — Russia's attempt to disrupt the counter-offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — consider in GUR.

According to ( Andriy Yusov, representative of the Ukrainian military intelligence, Russia is trying to disrupt the planned counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, but because of poor-quality intelligence, instead of barracks, it hits residential buildings. However, there are proven cases when rockets were fired at civilian targets, knowing that people would die.

- Denis Shmygal really wants to be like Trudeau, but you have to be more modest

At the end of March, the Canadian media published ( a claim against Prime Minister JustInu Trudeau: He spends too much time on the plane. It gets to the point that Air Force One is being driven on a 20-minute flight between Ottawa and Montreal, which in Canada is considered a waste of resources. But Trudeau can afford it: Canada is part of the G7, and the law requires him to use only a business jet, especially given the size of the country, it looks economically justified.

Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal also really wants ( to be like Justin Trudeau and fly his own plane even for short distances. Unfortunately, government planes got stuck in Boryspil, so a SKYUp plane was hired for the prime minister. It will cost UAH 39 million per year. And transport the Ukrainian delegation from Rzeszow.

Immediately after the first flight - to Canada and the USA - a wave of criticism fell on Shmyhal: to waste almost a million dollars during the war, when you can fly by scheduled planes - why? Surely, he also went to the coronation of Charles III in London on it.

We can talk a lot about safety and the need to keep a tight schedule. But let's look at other real European leaders: the newly elected President of the Czech Republic, Petr Pavel, somehow managed to overpower himself ( and flew to London on a regular regular flight in economy class. Why can the Czech president afford this, but the Ukrainian prime minister cannot?

- Homemade drones at the front are no less effective than Switchblade and Shahed, — NYT with reference to the Ukrainian military.

It is specified that the main advantage ( of consumer drones converted to drop grenades — remote control of operators.

- I thought it happened on February 24, 2022, but oh well

The Ministry of Health will cancel quarantine in Ukraine, — Head of the Ministry of Health Lyashko.

"We are ready to cancel it. But we need to prepare. Now we are evaluating the possibility of lifting all quarantine restrictions", — he stated (

Recall that 3 days ago, WHO officially canceled the COVID-19 pandemic.

- Launch "Vladlen Tatarsky" into the sky and "Daria Dugin".

Marketing geniuses put up interesting fireworks for sale and the ban on them did not stop the sellers.

- Eight new strike companies of Ukrainian-made UAVs have replenished the army of drones.

This was announced by Deputy Prime Minister for Innovation, Minister of Digital Transformation Mikhail Fedorov. According to the minister, the creation of shock companies – unprecedented and timely step.

- Scientists have named an open genus of butterflies in honor of Sauron from The Lord of the Rings.

Two new species found in southwestern Amazon rainforest. Butterflies are named Saurona triangula and Saurona aurigera because of the resemblance of their colors to the All-Seeing Eye.

- "Begins."
Film The Russians Panic Again.

- This is how the Russian fortifications look in the south, in the direction of Tokmak.

All of them are preferably located at natural heights.

- This is a victory: in St. Petersburg, veterans will be congratulated with sausage

▪️Several 100-gram packs of sausage cuts will be received by WWII veterans from the municipal fund

You can't forbid to live beautifully

- Just Irkutsk, in Russia they are preparing for the most important day of the year. face diagnosis

A local resident hung such a hell all over the city with his hard-earned money

- Kyiv, May 9. People are hiding in the subway because of the rocket attacks of the Nazis

- May 9

- Ichthamnets

- Comic (10 slides)

- I will not help, but I will come to support (the reaction of cotton commentators)

</ p>

- Mayor of Dnipro Boris Filatov writes. Today, Russian troops are shelling Kharkov, Dnipro, Zaporozhye, Kherson

- Nightmare, how could they

- Dmitry Eliseenko is a farm worker in Ukraine who was blown up by a mine in a field during sowing. His story

- And then Lenin came up with Ukraine

- An impromptu tribunal at the Russian Embassy in Moldova

- Such a billboard was placed in Moscow near the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

- Griffins

Not the first series of Family Guy where Russia is shown by the way. Previously, all these were references to the "Russian winter", "the most beautiful women" and other stereotypical things. So. These happy times of "cranberries" and "Russophobia" are now overand here is such as in this series, the Russian woman will be presented in Western culture for the next ten years, which was expected. That is, the era of romanticizing Rashi as a phenomenon has ended, as it were, on which I congratulate you.

- Poland has already handed over 10 MiG-29 fighters to Kyiv

Poland handed over 10 MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine. This was stated by Polish Defense Minister Mariusz Blaszczak during his visit to Canada.

In Toronto, Blaschak met with Canadian Defense Minister Anita Anand, during which they discussed further assistance to Kyiv, as well as joint actions of NATO countries.

Earlier, on April 5, President Andrzej Duda said that Poland had already handed over 8 such fighters to Ukraine.

Besides, on April 13, the German government approved Poland's application for the transfer of MiG-29 fighter jets from the stocks of the former GDR to Ukraine.

Slovakia sent another 13 such fighters to Kyiv.

- More about public services

- Stop distorting my childhood game. It hurts to watch.

- Residents of the Kurgan region, who lost all their property from fires, will receive 50 thousand rubles each as compensation. Those who lost their property partially will receive only 10 thousand rubles.

- In Indonesia, the procession "Immortal Regiment" was approached with ingenuity characteristic of Indonesians

- Even the Kremlin polytechnologists admitted that the Puilu need the leaders of foreign states on May 9 as a human shield

- persistence – sign of mastery: ross media always lie

- As a result of a Russian missile attack on the night of May 8, warehouses with humanitarian aid of the Ukrainian Red Cross burned down in Odessa, and in Nikolaev – damaged mobile hospital.

- Just don't write that the Q7 has direct injection, there is no "carburetor"

- Russian: Thank you for living with war, but you can’t call it war, so without war

- Mongoose Throw

- Political prisoner Nikolai Klimovich, convicted of caricature of Lukashenka, posted on his personal page in the social network — "Present Tense"

Novaya writes that earlier in February, Klimovich was fined 111 Belarusian rubles (about 3,400 rubles) for being on the Odnoklassniki social network. he posted "laughing" smiley under a caricature of Vladimir Putin, depicted in a Nazi uniform. Judge Bachilo found the man guilty of distributing Nazi symbols.

Symbolics, guys, do not confuse with memes!

- Prilepin first minutes after the explosion

- Asked to be buried in Ukraine: an American who died near Bakhmut

- A criminal case for comments in VK about Akhmat Kadyrov was brought against an activist from the Kemerovo region Oleg Tyryshkin

Oleg Tyryshkin from Anzhero-Sudzhensk was detained in April and taken to the FSB, where it turned out that the security forces were checking a number of his comments on Vkontakte, OVD-Info reports, citing the activist himself. The case against him was initiated under the article on the justification of terrorism.

The reason was, in particular, the comments in which Tyryshkin discussed the death of the former head of Chechnya, Akhmat Kadyrov, during the terrorist attack at the Dynamo stadium; in Grozny on May 9, 2004.

Now Tyryshkin is under house arrest.

To clarify, before that Oleg Tyryshkin was fined twice under administrative charges because of the publication of a photograph of Putin in a Nazi uniform. He was found guilty of distributing Nazi symbols and disrespecting the president. In early May, the activist was added to the list of terrorists and extremists.

Oleg Tyryshkin — former miner and activist who collaborated with the medical trade union "Action"; and miners' unions, OVD-Info specifies.

- The main fan of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is in place

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