To become a model, the girl broke her legs twice (6 photos)

Category: Terrible, PEGI 18
7 May 2023
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Teresa Fischer went under the knife twice to lengthen her legs. Painful and inherently dangerous operations allowed the girl "grow up" by 14 cm.

Long legs are the dream of every girl, and even the one who would like to become a model, even more so. And if nature deprived of growth and body proportions, you can change the dream, but Teresa Fisher chose to find doctors who, at her request, performed unsafe lengthening surgeries limbs.

The model lay down on the surgeon's table twice. In 2016 she underwent the first operation, which helped to lengthen the legs by 8.5 cm, and in 2022, the girl "stretched" them another 5.5 cm. Now her height is 184 cm, of which 116 cm are legs.

Quite a lot of time passed after the second operation, and Fischer says that all pain has almost disappeared. She can again go in for sports, and so far I am satisfied with my new appearance.

Meanwhile, such operations were carried out earlier (in our country G.A. became their pioneer. Ilizarov, who developed the technique of the operation and compression-distraction apparatus, named after the inventor), but, usually for medical reasons:

with a noticeable curvature of the legs, causing difficulty in walking;

if the legs were of different lengths (as a result of injury or from birth);

after joint replacement.

However, breaking healthy limbs for the sake of a model appearance means putting yourself at risk. First, no one can give guarantees of success: the bones may not heal properly (and this is us we still do not take into account the effect of anesthesia on the body). Secondly, long rehabilitation period, very painful, because. bone augmentation does not happen in one day. Thirdly, the surgery itself plus postoperative care costs a lot of money - Fisher paid about $160k for a dream.

In short, the operation is carried out according to the following scheme: the leg is fixed with a compression-distraction apparatus and dissected large and small tibia in their hardest part. Over the next 2-3 months, the legs lengthen by one millimeter per day (or less) for the account of the device regulated on length. Sometimes up to six months forced to endure everyday inconveniences and, most importantly, to constantly experience painful sensations. You have to move only on crutches. However, it seems that all these difficulties do not bother young girls at all, and Limb lengthening surgeries are among the most requested along with breast augmentation and facial plastic surgery.

30-year-old model Teresa Fischer became famous widely public thanks to the reality show Germany's Next Topmodel. Actually, after participating in this program, a short girl set out to become a real sought-after model. It was then that she had the idea of surgical leg lengthening.

After these operations, which the girl covered in detail in on her social networks, she stated that for some reason the subscribers did not rejoice. She does not understand why she is forced to catch so much hate, because the model just fulfilled her dream. And besides, she became much more comfortable. in sex, because everyone loves long-legged, and flexible, beautiful limbs - this is what, in her opinion, was worth suffering.

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