The girl showed how to take pictures in a swimsuit to avoid bad shots (14 photos)

Category: Creatively, PEGI 16
7 May 2023

Summer is coming, social networks will be full of photos from the seas in swimsuits. Even if you are not prepared for the summer - it does not matter, you can take a picture in bathroom house, and besides hiding all the flaws of the figure.

Katarina Leal Kaldas is a blogger who teaches women how to take pictures correctly

It turns out that taking a good shot in a swimsuit is an art.

The blogger even sells good posing instructions

Katarina shows simple tricks to avoid frames where cellulite, stretch marks, poor shape can be seen

Even Photoshop is not needed, the main thing is to stand up or sit down correctly

She teaches subscribers this art of simple deception

You can hide the tummy with your foot or hand, slightly straightening your back

Even chubby or crooked legs will be perfect with the right pose

And how then to trust women at all?

It’s good that men don’t bother so much, otherwise I wouldn’t want to watch posing lessons in shorts

Katarina has 2 million followers on social media who follow her work

Are you ready for beach season?

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