A Chinese woman complained of a buzzing in her ear - it turned out that a spider settled in her ear canal

4 May 2023
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The spider lived quietly in the ear and had already spun a bunch of cobwebs, when suddenly he was forcibly dragged out of the shelter. The further fate of the unfortunate is unknown.

A 40-year-old resident of China complained to the doctor about the constant buzzing in her ear. A surgeon from Huizhou, Guangdong Province, performed an examination and found an uninvited resident in the ear canal. He was small, non-poisonous, and did not want to leave a cozy hole. But I had to.

After this procedure, the doctors concluded that the woman was lucky: the spider almost did not damage the ear canal, and the victim managed "little blood". The Kitanka was lectured on the need for more thorough cleaning in the house and was allowed to go home, recommending that they consult a doctor at the first dangerous symptoms.

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