A resident of Volgograd complained about his neighbor

4 May 2023
“I demand that a criminal case be opened against her, checked for extremism and deprived of citizenship of this creature,” a resident of Volgograd complained about his neighbor, who repeatedly removed the flags of the Russian Federation and Z-symbols in the entrance.

Volgograd resident Alexander Dubrovin complained about his neighbor, who repeatedly removed the flags of the Russian Federation and Z-symbols from the walls and ceiling in the entrance. He himself calls himself the head of the “organization of combat veterans of the Oktyabrsky district.

“On the entrance area, near my apartment on my floor, I placed the flags of the Russian Federation, flowers, planters, the Z symbol. I just decided to decorate the floor for the holidays. <...> And the neighbor tore it all off and crumpled it up, - Dubrovin tells v1.ru. — I wrote a statement to the police. She is inadequate. It needs to be tested for extremism. <...> I demand to punish her according to the law - to initiate a criminal case, to deprive this creature of citizenship.

The woman herself believes that Dubrovin violates fire safety rules. She stated that the “veteran” illegally installed CCTV cameras, crashed into the general house electricity and seized municipal land. “The man behaves inappropriately, threatens me. He says that he sees when I come home, leave the house and how much time I spend at home, ”she told reporters, adding that she would contact the police.
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