In the USA, a student was able to stop a bus whose driver became ill while driving

Category: Eyewitness, PEGI 16
4 May 2023

The 13-year-old boy did not lose his head and prevented possible accidents with his actions.

In Michigan, a 7th grade student took over driving a school bus whose driver suddenly felt unwell. Dillon Reeves, along with other students, was returning home from classes at Carter High School in Warren, north of Detroit. The boy noticed that the driver was dizzy and he lost consciousness. The student quickly assessed the situation and managed to slow down the bus.

Reeves, as the city authorities later noted, managed to prevent the bus from colliding with at least one car and prevented the transport with children from crashing into a house in its path.

After the boy stopped the bus, he asked his classmates to call for help. Rescuers soon arrived and gave the driver emergency medical care. The children got home on another school bus.

Now Dillon Reeves is considered a hero by many in the city, and his parents, of course, are proud of their son, but they explain that the boy learned to drive a car from childhood. However, the very fact that the teenager did not lose his head in a difficult situation is worthy of respect.

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