16 stories of failures from people who know firsthand what a trick of fate is (18 photos)

Category: Fun, PEGI 0+
27 April 2023

It doesn't happen day by day, so today we "eat the bear", and tomorrow he us. A bad day can lie in wait around every corner and such a simple activity as drinking coffee can turn into a very unpleasant surprise. We don't even want to imagine what could go wrong so while transporting huge concrete pillars or falling at work.

We don’t want to, but fate not only represents, but also does by throwing tricks on people, which, it would seem, even think of impossible. It just so happens that fate has an inexhaustible fantasy, 16 stories of exceptional failure from people who shared them online. Let's watch, cross our fingers and hope that this will never happen to us.

"I wanted to make a salad..."

In a sealed bag with spinach leaves turned out to be alive line hawker. Adults do not harm spinach in any way (they eat flower nectar), so users advised the author to release insect and simply rinse the contents of the package. These hawkers are still sometimes called hummingbird moths because of the similarity in size with a bird (5-7.5 cm) and flight type ????

“My husband was unemployed for 9 months. Finally found a job that was not temporary or contract. In 5 minutes after starting work, he stumbled on the carpet and broke his leg”

His wife (Photographer) said that her husband would be kept salary while he is incapacitated, but he will be treated for her health insurance bill. “Colleagues will give him hell when he returns,” she wrote.

Boss: "It would be nice if you worked more than 5 minutes before filing a claim for damages" - joked one of the commenters ????

“Just finished chopping wood for 2 years, putting it in a barn for storage. The barn burned down"

Users sympathized with the loss of firewood of the author of the photo and congratulated him on the purchase of a two-year supply of coal ????

“I left my bathroom window open for 3 weeks while I was away and a bird nested in my sink.”

One user wrote: “Who leaves a window open while he's gone for 3 weeks? You're lucky you still have a sink." "I I live in an apartment upstairs and the window in the bathroom is quite small. Although, apparently large enough for a bird to pass through," — answered the author of the photo. The author also wrote that this cosmetic bag was on cabinet over the sink, and apparently fell down ????????

“Today I opened such a door, helping a relative”

If it seemed to you that this was soot left after a fire, then no - it's mold.

"Here's what they told me, a water heater that is in the closet located right behind these stairs, one day broke while the owner was at work. When the owner returned home, I saw that the entire floor of the first floor was covered with water. I suppose that they cleaned and dried what they could see, but could not cope with the water, piled up under the stairs. Oh, and that was 10 years ago,” wrote the author of the photo ????

“I had an epileptic seizure while sitting with a laptop on my lap…”

Users wrote that this is not difficult to fix, it will be necessary replace the front panel along with the display. The photographer said that he was writing an essay when he had a tonic-clonic seizure.

UPDATE: A relative came to see me (computer engineer) to look at the laptop. He said that the computer is completely broken. The case is broken to such an extent that it will not hold a new one screen. Total loss :(”, the author of the photo later wrote ????

"That's what happens when you don't slap the cargo and say 'it's not going anywhere'"

In the photo you can see the consequences of how bad the two fixed concrete pillars pierced the driver's cab and half flew out onto the road. The driver reportedly pressed the brakes hard.oz, when a car parked near the curb suddenly starts moving and was in front of the truck. Each of the power transmission poles weighs 2.5 tons. Luckily, the driver was not injured ????

“Taking the last sip of coffee, I felt something in mouth. Spit it out, thinking it was a piece of earth or something. But no, it was a tick"

Well, congratulations on adding to the list of things that should be irrationally afraid. It should be assumed that the health of the author of the photo nothing threatens.

“Damned parasites can’t even buy coffee for themselves!” — joked in the comments ☕

“Seriously.. just like that?”

When asked how long the dog had been in the cab of the truck, the author replied: “Not more than an hour alone with her and she was in sight all the time. I loaded the car, and apparently she didn't like it. Inside cabin she had water and the windows were lowered. She's not used to construction sites and turmoil. Also the reason I didn't release it was because that many contractors have their own dogs. I still love him but Really.. Seat belt???”

The author also explained that the dog walked with him all day, and he left her alone only for the time of loading ????

"That's why the sun never wakes me up in the morning"

On the one hand, this failure was highly appreciated in the comments by those who work the night shift. “I want to be productive in the morning, I’m an early riser, and a little sun in the morning motivates me a lot,” the author of the photo replied to users who saw only advantages in this ????

"3 coats and 3 hours later.."

The author of the photo wanted to paint the wall in a certain area, so I outlined it with duct tape. When he wanted to remove the tape and admire the smooth edges, then the paint peeled off with it. Users noted that this most likely happened because the author did not prepare the wall. “3 layers, 3 hours and 0 minutes of wall preparation” is the most popular comment in the thread. The author wrote that he did not know that the wall had to be prepared for painting ????

"You know it's spring when you find a ladybug in your burrito"

Well, at least the author of the photo can be sure that there are no aphids in his fast food.

“It’s a funny situation with beetles. Any other bug in your food - poof! Ladybug? Hello, baby!” — said one of the users in the comments ????

"Do you think my dinner is ready?"

“Okay, friends, here is the story, and yes, I'm an idiot. We had several severe storms, as a result of which the house was away for a couple of days electricity. The electricity went out in the evening when I was cooking on our electric stove. It's okay, I have a generator which powers part of the house but not the stove, so I cooked dinner with using a multicooker. The next evening I used the slow cooker, to prepare meals for the week. There is only one socket in the kitchen powered by a generator, and it's next to the stove, so I put the slow cooker on the stove while cooking. When everything was ready, I turned it off, covered it with a glass lid, and my family and I went to dinner at establishment… The power came back on while we were away, and it turned out that I did not turn off the burner on the stove when two days ago the electricity went out. … By the time we got home, the fire went out, but the damage from the smoke was significant, ”the author of the photo explained everything.

“Congratulations. You burned 2000 calories in 1 hour,” joked in the comments ????

“It turns out my new robot vacuum is tall enough to destroy itself with the bottom of my wheelchair.”

Perhaps the robot vacuum cleaner just had a very itchy back.

"I know it's mostly cosmetic damage, but I I would like my expensive shiny things to stay shiny (like as long as possible), especially if they are expensive,” wrote the author of the photo. Users advised him several solutions to this problem: 1) change the wheels on the chair to higher ones; 2) buy decorative sticker on the top of your robot vacuum cleaner, which are freely available fromInternet ????

“My Microwavable Lunch Jumped and Turned Over”

Users had several options as to why this could happen: 1) it was just a thick dish that needs to be heated for low power and do not forget to stir from time to time; 2) author the photo did not cut the film from above so that the steam could freely escape; 3) on there could be an air pocket at the bottom of the container, which burst when heated, causing the bowl to turn over. In any case, the content can be re- scrape off the dish into a bowl and start eating ????

“Slipped and fell on the grill at work”

Users noted that the band-aid would not help much in this case, to which the woman (the author of the photo) replied: “Probably another 20 could help ???? But this band-aid is on a large blister that I already have.”

“So, a small update, I went to the ambulance help, burn on the forearm - first degree, under my amazing adhesive plaster hello kitty - the second degree. I filled out the paperwork and the like, but I do not know if I will receive compensation and how. They simply prescribed an ointment and released me,” wrote a woman who works at McDonald’s ????‍⚕️

Bonus: 999-piece Mushroom Puzzle Assembly

“After three and a half months of collecting this mind shattering puzzle, I finally completed it today, and I was missing 1 part, ”wrote the author of the photo. The author also said that he wrote a letter to the manufacturer with a request to deal with the problem.

It took us a decent amount of time to find the missing piece in the photo. How much did you manage? ????

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