10 fun facts about Bradley Cooper (11 photos)

23 April 2023

Bradley Cooper has established himself as one of the most in-demand and talented actors. Starting his career with an occasional roles in the TV series "Sex and the City", he quickly ascended to the very heights of Hollywood and starred in a series of popular blockbusters. This the actor (and director!) achieved what many of his colleagues did not under force, - successfully switched from comedic roles to dramatic ones.

1. He speaks fluent French

Bradley Cooper speaks excellent French. Actor studied as an exchange student in France, and the time spent there helped him to master the local language almost perfectly. In fact, Cooper speaks French so well that he often speaks in it interview.

2. Bradley Cooper graduated from Georgetown University

Before becoming an actor, Bradley Cooper received a degree Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Georgetown university. According to the star, he has always had a passion for literature, and education greatly helped him in his craft. In fact, Cooper often says acting is a lot like interpreting literature, and that his degree in this regard helped him.

3. He participated in the show "At the Studio of Acting"

Before he became famous, Cooper, like everyone else young actors, took on any job. In 1999 he got his chance appear on the popular talk show "In the Acting Studio." Exactly there he asked host James Lipton to be his mentor. His appearing on the show was one of his first major breakthroughs and helped him to gain such valuable recognition in the industry.

4. Cooper is a great cook

Bradley Cooper is not only a talented actor, but also a skilled cook. Cooper often talks about his love of cooking and once even admitted that if he had not become an actor, he would most likely be now professional chef. And the most interesting thing is that he even worked chef at a New York restaurant before becoming famous in movies. Cooper often unsheaths his chef's knives and shows off his culinary talents in various talk shows.

5. He spoke at the 2016 Democratic National Convention

Bradley Cooper has been actively supporting Democratic Party of the United States, so it is not surprising that in 2016 his invited to speak at the Democratic National Convention. Then, during his speech, he expressed support for Hillary Clinton. In addition, he was also one of the many celebrities who took part in the Women's March on Washington in 2017. In fact, that march was protest against the policies of newly elected President Donald Trump.

6. Cooper was trained by a professional boxer

Bradley Cooper is not only serious about his acting career, but also to fitness. Preparing for the role of Chris Kyle in the movie "Sniper" Cooper trained hard, in particular with a professional boxer, to study in detail the techniques and movements inherent in this sport. Needless to say, it helped him get into the role.

7. He is on the Forbes list

Considering the huge box office successes of his films, it's no wonder that Cooper was on the list of 100 highest paid stars according to Forbes 2019. He took 43rd place in the ranking, and at that time his the fortune was estimated at $57 million. At the same time, for the most part he owes his wealth to the success of his film A Star Is Born, which earned $150 million in profits.

8. Bradley Cooper is an active advocate for raising awareness of mental disorders.

Personally faced with mental health problems, the actor is now open about his experience and explains how an anxiety disorder affected his life and career. cooper also actively encourages people to seek help if they experience similar problems, andtvues in several initiatives to improve awareness of mental disorders.

9. He does charity work

Cooper works closely with several charities organizations, including the Sean Parker Foundation. Moreover, he is so involved in the processes that he is a member of the board of directors this organization. Cooper is mainly focused on financing research on cancer and other deadly diseases. In addition to this he supports many charitable organizations dedicated to veterans, children and environmental protection.

10. He loves motorcycles

Bradley Cooper has a lot of interests and hobbies, and the first place in This list is taken up by his love for motorcycles. The actor owns the whole collection of motorcycles and usually rides them around Los Angeles with friends. Cooper often appears on motorcycles and in films, including "Fields of Darkness", "Sniper" and "A Star Is Born".

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