Doctor, demon, Hannibal: 10 facts about David Tennant (11 photos)

19 April 2023

David Tennant, who is able to play characters with different moral compass settings, is 52 years old.

David took a pseudonym in honor of the British synthpop artist

David McDonald was born on April 18, 1971 in the city Bathgate in Scotland. The father of the future actor was Presbyterian a priest, a representative of one of the trends in Protestantism. In addition to David, the family had two children, sister Karen and brother Blair, who were much older.

The actor became Tennant very easily, taking the name of the presenter Pet Shop Boys vocalist Neil Tennant. The reason for this solution is also extremely simple: David did not want to be confused with his namesake, David McDonald, director and producer who passed away in 1983.

On the way to changing the name, Tennant encountered obstacles: The Guild US film actors did not allow him to leave a stage name. Then Macdonald, to work on both sides of the globe, made decisive step - and changed his name officially.

Tennant resisted the will of his parents and failed at first

While the father urged his son to become, like himself, a priest, my mother assured me that David would be an excellent lawyer or lawyer. Neither McDonald, of course, did not listen to another - and after school he entered Royal Conservatory of Scotland in Glasgow. The dream he carried in myself from the age of four, began to perform.

After graduating from the Academy, David starred in television series and became a member of the Royal Shakespeare Company. Since 1994, the actor began to appear in a big movie, only by 1998 having received his minute of fame - in Los Angeles Without a Map directed by Miki Kaurismaki. Another six years later Tennant began acting in films and series from the BBC, and a year later there were major screen tests that decided everything.

The actor married the daughter of the Fifth Doctor Who

Tennant's most famous role brought him not only career successes, but also pleasant changes in personal life. In 2008 on On the set of Doctor Who, the actor met Georgia Moffett. She was his daughter in the story and the daughter of the Fifth Doctor, played by Peter Davison in real life.

The difference of 14 years did not frighten the lovers - and in 2011 in many pleasant events happened to the Tennants family: they got married, adopted Ty, Georgia's child from her first marriage, and had a daughter Olive. In total, the couple has five children - the last one at the moment is a girl. Birdie was born in 2019.

Tennant continues to reap the rewards of his "doctoral" popularity

Dreams of acting appeared in young David when he first saw Doctor Who with Tom Baker's version. Since then he carried a doll based on the series with him everywhere and wrote at school essays inspired by them. And in 2005, being selected for the role, Tennant joked that the first line of his obituary was now fixed. However for some time, the actor doubted that he had made the right choice, becoming Tenth Doctor Who.

“I remember that I was delighted when I approved, and then, a few days later, I thought: “Maybe this terrible idea? Fortunately, this thought stuck in my head for a while, I decided that Time will show".

And so it happened. Even years after leaving the role Tennant is still inextricably linked to the character - in 2020 he recorded Doctor Who audio drama while in self-isolation during the epidemic coronavirus.

“Doctor Who is an enjoyable show that you can be associated because people treat him kindly. Maybe maybe you're not a fan, but it's sitting there in the cultural firmament. How nation, I think we're very proud of this show," Tennant notes.

Tennant does not read reviews of his film and theater work.

It's hard to imagine that Tennant ever faced caustic reviews about his work, but still he, like many other artists, does not read reviews from critics. Once an actor was asked about one particularly negative review and his reaction to it, to which Tennant answered:

"The bad review you refer to is was actually based on a German Expressionist play about the Round

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