Is seahorse meat horse meat? (7 photos)

Category: Food, PEGI 0+
19 April 2023

Unusual seahorses in Greek mythology were considered kings of fish, they were patronized by Poseidon himself. There were strictly forbidden. In the usual European cuisine, they are practically impossible. meet, but are they eaten somewhere else?

In the cuisines of Southeast and East Asia, dishes from "fish king" are quite common. The skate is used there and how ingredient for salad and as an independent dish. Its often compared with squid because of the consistency, and the skate tastes very salty.

The body of the skate consists of spikes and leathery growths and meat in he doesn't have much. But, nevertheless, they still like to serve it in Asian restaurants.

Dried seahorse is a street food staple in tourist areas, where it is sold along with locusts, dried frogs and other strange creatures. The skate is pretty specific taste and smell, but there are always lovers on it exotic cuisine.

There are no clinical trials to support this, but there is the opinion that the skate can relieve shortness of breath, increase potency, and even reduce the pain of childbirth. An ointment is made from it and applied from baldness and skin diseases. In other countries it is even sold in the form of tablets. Alcohol tinctures, infused on a seahorse, the Chinese treat ulcers and even cancer.

Unfortunately, no one controls the capture of seahorses very quickly put this species in danger of extinction. hippocampus paradoxus, since the 2000s, is no longer found in nature - it completely exterminated. The American Fishing Society has calculated that in Asia annually catch more than 37 million seahorses.

Of course, seahorse meat is not horse meat, it's just a joke.

The pipit is an evolutionary descendant of the needlefish, the ray-finned fish. This species stood out about 25 million years ago due to geological changes. and the appearance of large shallow waters.

Interestingly, the seahorse is one of the few monogamous fish. They have a courtship period: a few days before intercourse, they swim romantically, clutching their tails, changing color, "dance" and flirt with each other in every possible way.

The offspring is carried by the father, and the female regularly visits him. IN season the fry hatch every four weeks and a pair alone can produce up to two thousand new skates. But, unfortunately, due to attacks by predators, very few survive to puberty individuals.

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