In Krasnodar, a mother beat her daughter because she was a “piece of lohundra”

18 April 2023
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The mother did not like the untidy look of the teenager and she pulled her by the hair.

The girl, along with her mother, was riding in an elevator and the stern parent somehow did not like her daughter's hairstyle. "Look at yourself in the mirror, creature," shouted madam. Then she strangled the child and grabbed her by the hair.

And under the cries: “You got me already! Someday I'll wind your tail and everything else! Lohundra piece, ”she pushed the girl into the stairwell.

Neighbors of the violent woman claim that she lives with her son and daughter. Screams and swearing are constantly heard from the apartment. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is already checking the incident and the facts of possible systematic abuse of children.

When the 39-year-old lady herself was asked for comments, she stated that she had no conflicts with her children and never had.

“But the video from the elevator?”

- It's cut and all that.

And refused to talk further.

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