russian invasion of Ukraine. Chronicle for April 12-13

Category: Summary, PEGI 16
14 April 2023

In the early hours of February 24, 2022, Russia launched rocket attacks on Ukrainian territory and launched a direct full-scale invasion. APU repulse the enemy

- French single-shot 112-mm recoilless anti-tank gun RAC 112 APILAS, used by Ukrainian troops and supplied by Finland.

- Sergei Aksyonov, Russia-appointed head of Crimea:

Crimea and Sevastopol decided not to hold May 9 parades and May 1 holiday demonstrations for security reasons.

- Reuters:

Iran used earthquake relief flights to deliver weapons and military equipment to Syria, its strategic ally.

- CIA Director William Burns

Russia risks becoming an "economic colony" China as its isolation from the West deepens after the invasion of Ukraine.

- Last month, South Korea reached an agreement to provide the United States with 500,000 rounds for 155mm artillery pieces, which could give Washington more flexibility in supplying ammunition to Ukraine.

- Serbia denies reports that Belgrade supplied weapons to Kyiv, calling them "lies".

- The position of the National Guard of Ukraine near Odessa.

14.5 mm KPVT machine gun, German MG3 machine gun and BMD-2 VDV

And immediately messages:

Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia:

Russia believes that Odessa will be able to free itself from neo-Nazis.

- Satellite images of Russian defensive positions in Crimea.

Trenches, pillboxes, gouges, artillery on the coast and in the depths of the peninsula.

- China and Russia are in tentative secret talks with Iran for the supply of ammonium perchlorate, a chemical compound under sanctions that is used as fuel for ballistic missiles.

The volumes that Iran wants to buy would be enough to create thousands of missiles.

- President of Ukraine Zelensky received two awards from the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria:

The Order of Honor of the Nation and the Order named after Dzhokhar Dudayev.

The awards were presented by the head of the Military Intelligence of Ukraine (GUR) Budanov.

- Belarusian Foreign Ministry:

Minsk Calls for Declaring a Truce in Ukraine and Starting Negotiations.

- French President Macron:

Being an ally (USA) does not mean being a vassal... does not mean that we have no right to think for ourselves.

- Prime Minister of Ukraine Shmyhal met with the head of the Pentagon Austin and called on the United States to transfer F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine.

- Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki:

Poland wants to host the production of ammunition for American Abrams tankswith depleted uranium.

- President of the Czech Republic Petr Pavel:

If the video of the execution of a Ukrainian soldier is real, then Russia will be on a par with ISIS.

- Ukraine independently makes decisions on the counteroffensive, — head of the Pentagon.

"The United States, if necessary, is ready to provide its advice and support to Ukraine. However, Ukraine itself makes important decisions about conducting counteroffensive actions. They have every opportunity to succeed", — Austin added.

- I saw Putin's love for Ukraine during personal communication with him, — Trump.

"I saw that he loves it and considers it a part of ( Russia. I told him: "This will not happen as long as I am president," — said the ex-president of the United States.

Also, according to him, the leaders of Russia, China and North Korea are "the smartest people" and "the best in their game."

- The United States is planning additional deliveries of weapons to Ukraine, we are talking about Abrams tanks and Bradley infantry fighting vehicles.

Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz announced this Morawiecki.

- Russia, in anticipation of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, built three lines of defense in the Zaporozhye region, — British intelligence.

Russia has completed ( the creation of three levels of defensive zones for about 120 km in this sector. They consist of a front line of forward fighting positions, and then two zones of almost continuous, more complex defense. The Russian Federation is preparing for the fact that Ukraine will storm Melitopol.

- The US does not believe that Ukraine can quickly end the war, — CNN.

The publication writes that the Russian Federation may soon receive ( air superiority, and Ukraine may lose the ability to concentrate ground forces in a counteroffensive. One of the leaked secret US documents says that there will be a stalemate in the war in the coming months.

- Russian customs announced a hacker attack: work cannot be resumed for the third day.

So far, none of the hackers has taken responsibility for its organization. Judging by the scale, the next "bavovna" the aggressor was given a cyber attack by the SBU.

At the moment, the publicized and expensive electronic system of the Russian customs has collapsed: there are huge queues at checkpoints, chaos in ports, cargo is standing still, and FCS employees have switched to paper document management. Yesterday, even computers did not turn on – were afraid.

- 45% of Ukrainians who left because of the war do not plan to return to Ukraine, — Gremi Personal.

➡️ 38% of respondents ( plan to stay in Poland, and 7% want to move from Poland to another country.

➡️ 55% plan to return to Ukraine. To the question "when" — 82% said they were ready to return "after the victory", 8% - this spring.

- France is blocking the EU decision to finance the supply of ammunition for Ukraine, – PAP.

The publication notes (,1559860,francja-blokuje-decyzje-ue-w-sprawie-finansowania-dostaw-amunicji-dla) that the second half of the tranche became a moot point of two billion euros, which is intended for a joint order from the European industry — that is, Poland, France and Germany.

France wants to add the possibility of paying for the supply of missiles to the decision on ammunition. To the position of the French governmentA group of arms firms can influence.

- A leak from the Pentagon will have little effect on the counteroffensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, — US Secretary of Defense Austin.

"Only the military leadership of Ukraine knows the details of the spring plan of the Ukrainian troops. I am sure that they will fight the enemy, and not be guided by any specific plan", — said the head of the Pentagon.

- The war in Ukraine is turning into a protracted conflict that will last “well after 2023”, — Reuters.

One of the "leaked" documents ( says that the Russian Federation is unlikely to be able to capture the Donetsk region, since this tactic led to the reduction of Russian forces and ammunition stocks to the level which could frustrate Moscow's military objectives. This will lead to a protracted war.

It is also stated that both Russia and Ukraine have moderate combat resistance – this means that "both sides will be able to continue fighting for some more time."

- American scientists have created a hangover pill, — Daily Mail.

The drug is being developed as a tablet ( containing genetically modified bacteria. The bacterium regulates the synthesis of acetaldehyde, a by-product released when drinking alcohol and is responsible for a hangover. You need to take the pill before the party.

- Anniversary! Already 180 thousand soldiers of the Russian army have shamefully died as occupiers in a foreign land, but they could have avoided this

Among the officers:

▪️Lieutenant (obtaining an officer's rank did not help) Konstantin Vdovin

▪️Lieutenant Vadim Nikolaev

730 asvabadites flew to hell in a day. They said a hundred times: f*cking roam!

- In Crimea there will be no celebration of May 1, no parade on Victory Day, no march of the "Immortal Regiment"

Anxious, in short


British reconnaissance aircraft RAF RC-135 Rivet Joint was "nearly shot down" Russian Su-27 fighter jets over the Black Sea when a Russian pilot misinterpreted what a radar operator on the ground was telling him.

"The pilot fired the missile, but the missile did not launch properly."

- A Russian T-90A tank was spotted in Louisiana, USA.

The tank was captured on September 25, 2022 by the 92nd separate mechanized brigade in Kharkov, which is part of the 27th separate guards motorized rifle brigade of the Russian Federation.

- User with alias "OG" originally posted classified US documents on the Discord group.

O.G. stated that he worked at a "military base".

He is said to be in his early 20s, and some of the band members know his real name.

- Ukrainian drone-bomber with a payload of 25 kg (4 x PG-7VM grenades)

- Russian BTR-50s of the 1950s were taken out of storage.

- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine considers it necessary to turn the Black Sea into a "NATO Sea", while calling for its demilitarization.


The Black Sea will never be "the sea of NATO".

- The German government will give permission to Poland to transfer MiG-29 fighters to Ukraine, whichthey were previously in service with the GDR.

- Norwegian instructors in Poland are training Ukrainian tankers on German-made Canadian Leopard 2A4+ tanks and Bergepanzer 3 ARV.

- Photo of the statuette that killed the Russian military blogger Vladlen Tatarsky.

- The New York Times:

The leader of the Discord group (Thug Shaker Central) where classified US documents have been leaked is 21-year-old member of the intelligence wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard Jack Teixeira.

Here is the alleged source of the leak:

Jack Teixeira, 21, member of the reconnaissance wing of the Massachusetts Air National Guard.

FBI Arrests Suspect in Leaking Secret Pentagon Documents.

- Polish Prime Minister Morawiecki:

If Ukraine loses, China may attack Taiwan the next day.

Ukraine must be supported if we want Taiwan to remain free.

- Russian elites understand that there will be no victory. Still hoping for a stalemate – GUR.

According to Andrei Yusov, a spokesman for the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense, the Russian elites have not counted on victory in the war against Ukraine for a long time, but they still hope for a "draw". He also added that influential people in Russia are not yet ready to resist the ruling regime.

- Ukraine's GDP fell by 29.1% in 2022, — Reuters.

The damage to the Ukrainian economy almost coincided with the forecasts ( of the government, which expected a fall of 30%.

However, the new forecasts of the Cabinet of Ministers cause cautious optimism — in war conditions, the gross product could grow by 1% in 2023 due to the improvement in the transport, retail and construction sectors.

- The frozen assets of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation will have to be returned to Russia after the war.

Die Welt, referring to the document, reports ( that the European Commission has come to the conclusion that all frozen assets must be returned to Russia. EC experts write that, from a legal point of view, they cannot just be taken away and transferred to Ukraine.

- Mamkin pilot photographed US intelligence documents in his kitchen.

Well, what, clever….

- +540 liberated mobiles left to rest in Ukraine

It was not without officers:

▪️Captain Sergey Uvarov

▪️commander of the assault company Alexei Nastashev

▪️Lieutenant Sergey Vokin

▪️Lieutenant Ivan Pokhozhin

The account went to 190 thousand - 180,590 mobiles have been demobilized since the beginning of the full-scale war

- The beaver-eater is tired of the old unpromising farts from the Kremlin and she decided to flirt with Musk

Prefer the "American Dream" to Sitting in Russia

- Women don't give birth? In 75 years, the population of the Russian Federation will be halved

▪️Russia must attract 390,000 to 1.1 million migrants every year to maintain its population

Chinese, your way out!

-True friendship: the repulsed woman stabbed the girl because she really wanted to go to jail with her friend

▪️In Ufa, a woman stabbed to death a 19-year-old store cashier: she wanted to be arrested and sent to a detention cell with a friend

Still, I suppose, I chose a criminal offense by the term, so that we could go out together

- A man with five convictions was called. BUT he brought drugs to the military commissar to sit down again

▪️Ruslan was imprisoned for robbery, drugs, drunk driving, insulting a policeman and violating traffic rules, non-payment of alimony

This is the thickest hint of a desire to join the PMC, of all that we have seen

- Russian delegations denied US visas

▪️The United States did not issue visas to the Lavrov delegation, which chairs the UN Security Council

There is nothing to roam around the Americas, stay at home, eat hay

- The only privileges an asvabaditor can count on

▪️In Saratov, survivors are offered to visit a striptease for free

The action, however, is valid for 3 months, then the participants of the CBO will end, or what?

- To the bottom

- The story of a Ukrainian girl: "I was celebrating my birthday, and then a Russian rocket flew into my house"

- Secret Pentagon documents allegedly leaked to the network by 21-year-old Jack Teixeira, who serves in the intelligence wing of the US Air Force National Guard in Massachusetts, - The New York Times.

He was the admin of a small Discord community called Thug Shaker Central dedicated to games, guns and racist memes

The New York Times spoke to four members of the Thug Shaker Central community. One of them knew Teixeira for three years and met him personally and addressed him as O.G. (stands for Original Gangster, real gangster)🤦‍♂️

Friends say that Teixeira was older than the other members of the group, who were not even twenty, and describe him as the undisputed leader. One of the friends said that Teixeira had access to intelligence documents on his service.

NYT was able to identify Teixeira from his gaming profile and interior details in family photos he posted on social media that match the interior in leaked documents.

Formal suspicions have not yet been brought against Teixeira, but in the near future he should be summoned for interrogation.

No, well, can you imagine the level of absurdity? 21-year-old cunt leaked Pentagon documents to show off in front of youngsters🤦‍♂️

Upd. The FBI arrested Jack Teixeira for leaking secret Pentagon documents.

The Pentagon believes that Teixeira acted deliberately.

- "Long live socialist democracy." Moscow, 1974. Photographer Igor Palmin

- Memes

- Brother, die like a brother. Wait, brother

- Good Armenia

- Maybe something happened...


- The Russians write: I remember how during covid times I was worried about the health of older people who might not have been able to survive the disease due to their age. Today, these same old people, for the most part, want me to die in a trench

- Peskov: Putin's main aspiration is to improve the lives of Russians

- Poems

- The court in The Hague ordered the Russian Federation to pay Naftogaz $5 billion in compensation For damage and lost property in the occupied Crimea. If Russia refuses to implement the decision voluntarily, Naftogaz will can start the process of enforcement of the decision on the territory of those states where there are rosassets

- The Russian language has disappeared from the page of the most anticipated Steam game

- Stasyan, why are you like this

- Astrologers announced the week

- Anniversary of cruiser Moscow cruise to the destination

- Sleight of hand and all terrorists

- Good. Let him now go to the front, once excited

- It has always amazed me where this inexhaustible, even blissful naivete comes from in the Russian opposition? Sandormokh, memoirs of WWII veterans of the Afghan and Chechen wars showed such things to be said about the people who were chewed and put in their mouths with the archives of Stalinist crimes, including execution lists ...

- They write that this is the process of erecting barriers around the Kremlin... Who is in the center of Moscow, can you check?

- Their fight

- Kartapol Kartapolovich returned home from the Duma

- CBO member was arrested for harassing a child

A military man who returned from Ukraine was arrested in the Oryol region, he is suspected of harassing his 10-year-old stepdaughter. This is written by the project «Travmpunkt».

According to the investigation, a drunken man molested a girl in March. His wife entered the room, she rushed to protect her daughter and called the police.

The man was detained and taken into custody. He is accused in the case of violent acts of a sexual nature (part 4 of article 132 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation).

He was in Ukraine from August to November 2022. According to his wife, after returning home, he began to drink heavily and behave aggressively.

- Spring aggravation is growing

- How furiously bombed Zviney. The cries that "a professional army is not for war" blaze with a hot glow of burning farts.

- There's also a Gostomel landing party gone

- Funny picture. Decided to share

- Why are we sending missiles to the wrong place? New work from the art group "Yav" in St. Petersburg for the Day of Cosmonautics

- Tsar Cannon, Tsar Cannon!

- The first army of the world :-)
Film Lieutenant General Alexander Volfovich, Secretary of the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus, during an inspectionBelarusian forces Troop.

- Eduard Bagirov died of cirrhosis of the liver

- What a day, right?

- And why does he need a 14-year-old virgin?

- And they threatened that there would be more

- That video is clearly not the first, and obviously not the last...

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