15 people whose age causes mixed feelings, because looking at them it's hard to believe that they are so old (16 photos)

13 April 2023

Age is just a number, but unfortunately many continue to use it as one of the main criteria for evaluations of other people.

But our today's article is not about how to accept your years, but about people looking at whom you will never give them their age - and there is both overly young-looking people of mature age, and quite young persons, similar to 40-year-olds. So watch and be amazed!

"I'm constantly being disregarded during conversations because I look 13. In fact, I'm almost 30."

It turns out that when she is 50 years old, she will look like 33! Users suggested that everything could be blame her big glasses, teenage haircut, lack of makeup and shirt fastened with the top button.

“Very similar to a 9-year-old child who put on glasses to look older,” they joked in the comments.

“Picture of my father from his passport when he was 22 years old, but he looked like 30”

As the author of the photo specified, this picture was taken in 1969. Users suggested that such a mature look gives a man powerful neck.

“How can someone in a turtleneck and with such a hairstyle look so intimidating?” They joked in the comments.

35th President of the United States John F. Kennedy at the age of 10

It's funny how he looked older as a kid than he did as an adult. age. Users compared 10-year-old John F. Kennedy to: a doll a ventriloquist, a cursed dummy, a used car salesman and Annabelle doll.

Federal judge from Brazil

Is it really possible to be a federal judge in Brazil at the age of 15? The photo is really a federal judge of Brazil named Matheus Pontalti is now 28 years old. The track record that Matheus pointed to page: federal judge, former National Attorney Treasury, author of a guide to tax law.

“In the mid-90s I was 19 years old, but I looked much older”

When asked if the woman in the photo always dressed like this, she replied: “I I was going to play the organ at a friend's wedding. It was the first time when I put on this outfit, but, unfortunately, not the last. It was mine "uniform of a church organist" at several weddings and funerals, including year."

“God, you look like you came to a retirement party after a long career as a lawyer,” wrote one user.

“I showed my girlfriend this photo, hid the title and asked how old she thought the woman was. She said either 50 with great skin or 20 with terrible taste in fashion," wrote another.

Former mixed martial artist Chris Gorodetsky

If it seems to you that this guy is no more than 13, then on in fact, this native of Canada is 35 years old. Interestingly, before the fight he did not Did you ask for written permission from your parents to fight? As reported, because of his Polish roots, he was nicknamed "Polish Hammer" ("Polish Hammer") and he has not fought since 2016.

21-year-old Theodore Roosevelt in 1879, Harvard

If we were told that this is a photo from the filming of the old black-and-white werewolf movie, we wouldn't even think to argue. Users also compared it to Wolverine. Reportedly, this photo "Teddy" in rowing clothes of those years.

“There are traces of blood in his testosterone,” users joked.

Political candidate in New South Wales, Australia

It feels like someone asked the neural network to create political advertising. His parents must be pretty religious because they named the child Noah, when his last name can be translated like "ship". Users agreed that he looks pretty in Shakespearean way.

Despite the fact that he is a real candidate, we failed find on the Web no mention of his ageor date of birth.

“At the age of 12, I looked like a very successful real estate agent.”

It's hard being a teenager. Especially when you are a manager. Users suggested that, on top of everything else, age and a brooch on a blouse adds similarity to a real estate agent.

“I can’t even count how many times in my life I was told: “You look like my aunt,” wrote the woman in the photo (author).

It's unrealistically hard to believe, but this guy is 15 years old

"I met him when he was a freshman and I was older and I couldn't believe my eyes. He could grow a beard at 13 years,” wrote the author of the photo. It's better to have a beard in your freshman year than bald patches. Reportedly, guys who are already in their teens can grow beards, often go bald early.

“I too could grow a beard from the age of 13, probably thanks to my Nordic ancestors. When I met my coach at first year, he asked if I was on steroids. I think he was joking only half,” one of the commentators shared his story.

John Lennon went from grandson to grandfather in just 1 year, 1966 and 1967

On the left photo he is 25 years old, and on the right - 26. The reasons for which he began to look much older: he grew a mustache, put on glasses and "grandmother's blouse", made a grimace, raising his eyebrows and biting his lip, accepted hunched posture, lost weight. Users also blamed this substance, which, in their opinion, the musician took in fair quantities.

Millie Bobby Brown - 19 year old girl or 40 year old woman?

We don't know why, but Stranger Things star as if on purpose constantly trying to throw extra 10 years old. Millie was born on February 19, 2004 and is now 19 years old. She probably wants to look more mature for serious movie roles or because that she has her own line of Florence by Mills cosmetics.

She was reportedly born with partial deafness and is gradually losing hearing in one ear.

“It was the 70s. Disco was all the rage and I was its satiny, shiny queen!”

When asked when this photo was taken, the woman (the author of the photo) replied: “I think I was in the fifth grade or so.” “I see, but what exactly did you teach,” one user joked.

Users were wildly delighted with this photo, calling it "the best embarrassing photo of all time."

“School photo of me looking like a 60 year old librarian in a cardigan, turtleneck and thick glasses”

The woman (author of the photo) said that the date the photo was taken and her age on it is unknown, but clarified that she was born in 89. “I think I was about 6 or 7 years old in the photo,” she added.

When asked what made her dress like that, the woman replied: “Apparently, my parents dressed me. I'm not sure, but perhaps turtlenecks and cardigans were in fashion? .

BONUS: "My twin and I have a fun Thanksgiving"

“You guys look both young and old, male and female. I'm confused," one user commented. Immediately remove one of the questions, these twins are women.

"When my brother showed us this picture, we all laughed at how old and angry we looked." — wrote one of the women in the photo, who also said that they sister at 21 and that they were born on March 20, 2002.

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